
Fall In Love With Your Life And Learn The Secret To Becoming Deeply Happy At Last

Attract loving relationships, professional joy and life satisfaction when you learn the skills to become the happiest person you know.

What will it take for you to feel truly happy?

To love yourself and love your life?

To be unfazed by challenges and set-backs, heartbreak or disappointment?

To not worry about what’s going to happen tomorrow because you trust yourself and know that no matter what, you will be okay?

What will it take for you to have relationships that delight you, a job that excites you, a home that feels like a sanctuary, and friendships that lift you up and celebrate you?

To feel abundant, secure and lucky?

Marci Shimoff

#1 Best-Selling Author and Transformational Leader

Do you think it’s going to take having more money and no debt?

A deeply passionate marriage?

A certain degree or certification?

A perfect hourglass figure?

A better position or career?

Years of therapy?

Is it going to take working hard, staying focused, achieving, buying, and acquiring all the THINGS that will finally make life totally comfortable and endlessly “fun”?

The answer is no. Because the TRUTH is…

You Don’t NEED to Do or Have All Those Things In Order to Love Yourself and Your Life

Most of us harbor a false belief about happiness.

We believe that we need our life circumstances to be perfect or settled in order to be happy.

Sure, we can have moments of happiness, but they don’t last, and we think the reason they don’t last is because we don’t yet have that perfect job, the perfect relationship, the perfect house, the perfect bank account, whatever.

This is a false belief because life circumstances don’t create happiness.

If you’re already a happy person, you won’t NEED that perfect job or partner. You’ll feel joyful and content regardless of where you’re at or whom you’re with.

But more to the point…

When you’re happy with yourself and life, you’ll attract more of the good things you DO have in life.

In other words, happy people naturally attract more happiness into their lives.

They attract more romance. They’re more likely to get asked out more often, enjoy dating, and be pursued by people who are a “great catch”.

They attract more devotion. They’re more likely to have deeper, more satisfying, committed relationships and marriages that just get better with time.

They attract loyal friendships. They’re more likely to enjoy life-long friendships with people who are there for them through life’s ups and downs.

They attract more opportunities. They’re more likely to have people go out of their way to support them professionally and offer them opportunities, so they’re better able to make full use of their skills and talents and be successful.

Happy people just seem to have a “magic touch” with almost everything they try.

Happy people just keep getting happier.

It’s NOT because they’re working hard at getting the degree, getting the job, getting the partner, getting the house, and getting more and more each year.

It’s because they’re already happy, and they already have everything they need to be happy:

They have themselves. And they LOVE who they are, and they love their life.

That’s why, if you want to be truly happy in life…

And love who you are…

And have endless gratitude for your circumstances, no matter what they are

And love everything about your life, even if it’s not necessarily “perfect”…

Then you need to stop focusing on creating the perfect set of life circumstances first, and focus on creating happiness first.

If you’re still not sure what this means, that’s okay.

Most of us don’t know the secret to being truly happy. There was a time in my life I didn’t know, either.

And that secret is:

Happiness Is a Skill, Not a Personality Trait or a Condition

I used to think that happiness was a personality trait or condition. You were either happy or you weren’t. And if you weren’t happy, it was because you didn’t do or didn’t have the things that could make you happy.

That’s what I believed.

And it’s why I became one of those people who was always aching to feel happier by pushing for the next thing.

Earlier in my life, I decided that I would work hard to do the things I thought would make me happy. I would have a great career, great friends, a comfortable home, a knock-out “Halle Berry body,” and a loving life partner.

The “Halle Berry body” part didn’t turn out exactly like I had envisioned, but I am healthy body for which I’m very grateful.

Friends Dancing

As for everything else, I did achieve the rest of the goals I set for myself, even gaining fame and fortune as a best-selling author of several books. I went on book tours, gave speeches to thousands of people, and received praise and recognition from people all over the world.

In every way, I had the “happy life” I’d set out to create.

But guess what? I still wasn’t happy!

You would think that all I’d achieved would bring anyone a lifetime of satisfaction and bliss.

But it didn’t. So I had to find another way.

This was when I decided I was going to figure out this happiness thing, once and for all.

I spent the next several years focusing on the topic of happiness. I dove into the research in the field of positive psychology.

I interviewed scores of experts on happiness. I conducted my own surveys about happiness.

I also interviewed 100 people who were actually living from the state I call “happy for no reason.”

What I discovered excited me, because it finally explained why I wasn’t happy as a kid or as a successful adult, even though I thought I had a lot to be happy about.

The research I did revealed that our permanent default state of happiness and wellbeing is not determined by circumstances, because some of the happiest people in the world actually don’t have a lot of money or fame. They don’t necessarily have all the creature comforts one would expect to need in order to be happy.

So happiness—true happiness—wasn’t a function of having things, or achieving things.

Happiness wasn’t a personality trait or a condition, either.

You know what the happiest people in the world DID have?


The Happiest People in the World Have Certain Skills That Anyone Can Learn and Become Truly Happy

To the world’s happiest people, the state of contentment and joy is a skill that they practice, and it’s a skill that anyone can learn.

When I learned what these skills were, and began to incorporate them into my daily life, I too, became one of those genuinely happy people.

I finally became a joyful person who loves herself and her life, regardless of any external circumstances. I don’t NEED fame, wealth or fortune the way I thought I needed them in order to feel this way. I’m just a genuinely happy person, no matter what.

It’s not that life doesn’t bring me challenges. It does. But now I have a deep sense of inner wellbeing, contentment, and peace that isn’t fazed when the going gets rough. I still love my life, and I’m still happy.

I’ve since shared this secret with millions of people through my best-selling book, speeches, and workshops. I’ve read letters and emails and have heard people tell me in person about their remarkable transformations.

And now I’m so honored and privileged to be able to share all these secrets with you!

Learn the Skills to Truly Love Yourself and Your Life With My New Groundbreaking Program, And Finally Have That Lasting Contentment And Joy You’ve Longed For

It took me most of my adult life and a lot of hard work to finally acknowledge that I was stuck. I was stuck in the false belief that I needed my circumstances to be a certain way before I could love myself and my life, and be happy.

I ultimately had to acknowledge that what I’d been doing for years to attain lasting happiness wasn’t working.

Many of us also feel that emptiness, that constant longing for something more, and we KNOW that we’re addicted to thinking that the next bigger, better thing will fulfill us.

AND YET, we can’t, or don’t, know how to break out of the cycle!

But that’s exactly what knowing the happiness skills can help you do.

They can help you break out of the cycle of longing, striving, and acquiring things for the wrong reasons, and allow you to be genuinely and truly happy, like you’ve arrived.

Like there’s no other place or time you’d rather be than right here, right now. Happiness is at hand.

Smiling Woman Holding Sparkler

When I completed my research on the skills and habits of happiness, I couldn’t wait to share what I learned with the world. Everyone who wanted to be happier deserved to learn about this. That’s why I wrote my book, which became the #1 international best-seller.

I also knew that in order to reach the most people, I had to make it as practical and easy to learn as possible. It had to be inspiring. And it had to be based in science, but also personally vetted by me.

Those were the principles under which I designed and developed 30 Days to a Happier Life.

30 Days to a Happier Life is a 7-hour video program that puts the highest-value information I learned about happiness habits into bite-size, digestible, delicious nuggets of daily practices, thought-provoking exercises, and fun games that you can do every day over a span of 30 days, with me as your guide and mentor.

It also includes an electronic version of the accompanying 30 Days to a Happier Life guidebook, which will help you expand upon and integrate the learnings I reveal in the videos.

It’s a step-by-step, but holistic process, which means it will transform your whole self.

In fact, this program focuses on 7 major areas where other books on happiness only focus on one or two. You’ll learn how to rewire your brain circuits, change your physiology, attain more physical energy, connect with your authentic self, nurture your relationships and spiritual life, and connect to your purpose.

These practices and habits can be mastered in as little as 10 minutes a day, sometimes less, sometimes more. It only takes a few days to notice a change in your outlook, and after you’re done with the 30 days, you’ll be amazed at what a difference it makes in your mood and in your daily life!

For example…

You’ll wake up each day happier, more expanded, with a lighter heart and a sense of ease about life.

Difficult and negative people will stop being a source of irritation for you, because you’ll be much less affected by their low energetic vibrations.

Your old addictions to food, shopping, or social media will loosen their grip on you, because you won’t need them as much to be filled with a sense of connection and self-regard.

You’ll have more energy to do the things you want to do. You’ll have a spring in your step. And don’t be surprised if you find yourself dancing around the house or singing in your car!

You’ll have greater access to your creativity and will be able to get into the state of flow more easily around what you love doing.

A sense of greater purpose will arise within you. You’ll still strive and set goals, but for a different reason than before—inspiration, rather than a sense of obligation, need, or struggle.

You’ll find yourself suddenly more curious about people, about life, and about your own inner world. Your friends and family will sense that you’re much more engaging, and they’ll be drawn to you and feel lighter in your company.

You’ll find that you feel much more plugged into life. Your existential loneliness will fade, and you’ll feel more connected to others and to yourself.

And finally, you’ll have greater trust in life. You’ll see the world as a friendlier place and the universe as a benevolent force conspiring for your highest good. No challenge, difficulty, or tragedy can ever take that foundation of inner peace away from you again.

You’ll be able to rest in a state of happiness that permeates your very being, every day, for no reason whatsoever.

Doesn’t that sound absolutely sublime?

Here’s More Of What You’ll Discover Through This Life-Changing Program:

  • The Inner Ease technique: a 5-minute exercise you can do at any time of day that relies on the power of the bonding hormone oxytocin to make you feel more at peace, at ease, and expanded
  • 4 simple ways to train your brain to hold on to happy moments longer and have them “burned” into your memory bank easier, so you can look back on your past with joyful nostalgia instead of regret and longing
  • A simple strategy that uses brain science to reprogram your thoughts to a more positive and happier state
  • A fun, creative thought game you can play every day, by yourself, or with your partner or kids, that builds stronger neural pathways for happiness and keeps you humming in positivity
  • A practice I learned from a master of Chinese Qigong that demonstrates the power of visualization and positive outcome using just your hands
  • The Blame, Shame, and Complain Game: A fun money-based game that will train you to get out of “victim mode” at home, at work, or among your friends, so you can build positive mental habits and have greater success in life
Happy Women Hugging
  • The secret that happy people already know about how to have a positive attitude and love life no matter what kind of unfortunate, tragic, or unlucky things happen
  • What research says is evidence that your thoughts, emotions, and capacity for happiness has physical effects on your body and what to do to prevent unhappiness from damaging your vital organs
  • A physical exercise that requires no special equipment or skill that puts your brain activity and biochemistry into a more calm, peaceful, and loving state when you’re feeling shut down, stressed, or upset
  • A Buddhist practice anyone can do at any time that opens your heart and expands your ability to feel compassion for yourself and others, enabling you to go from feeling sorry for yourself and your circumstances to totally transforming your life
  • The 3-day sleep challenge that allows you to tap into your body’s natural “healing time” every night, so you can maximize the amount of time you have to rest and rejuvenate every day
  • A meditation you do outdoors every day (especially in winter) that can reset your internal clock and help fight insomnia, as well as increase your natural production of serotonin, so you can gain a sense of wellbeing and contentment
  • Techniques to connect to a sense of reverence and wonder about life, so that your life takes on a different dimension and everything is filled with grace
  • What to do if you feel disconnected from your intuition or inner wisdom and have been making questionable decisions and taking wrong turns in life (find out techniques and tools that can help you connect to your soul’s wisdom right away)
  • A guided writing prompt that helps you connect with your Higher Self and get the answer to a question that’s been on your mind about your life or relationships
  • How to trust that things will work out and “go with the flow” in life, instead of always worrying about what’s going to go wrong (You’ll be surprised at how this can get you MORE of what you want!)
  • A powerful reflection exercise with 5 questions designed to help you get more in touch with your life’s passion, so you can stop doing the work that drains you and live your life with a greater sense of purpose
  • What the 5 people with whom you spend the most time have to say about the quality of your life, and what you can do today to distance yourself from negative people and those who are dragging your happiness down

30 Days to a Happier Life is a holistic program that helps you master the habits of happiness by addressing your thoughts, physiology, biochemistry, relationships, spiritual life, and your sense of purpose in the world.

You may already feel empowered and content in some of these areas of your life, while weak in others. This program will show you practices and exercises to strengthen the areas where you are most challenged, and validate and reinforce the areas where you already thrive. By the end of the 30 days, you’ll have everything you need to raise your happiness set-point in order to feel brighter, lighter, and more positive about life.

Here’s how this program is structured and what you’ll be learning:

What We’ll Cover In Each of the 30 Days

Module 1

Days 1-5: The Pillar of the Mind

Don’t Believe Everything You Think

Learn how to rewire your brain for happiness, through techniques designed to increase the amount of optimistic and positive thoughts you have throughout the day.

Module 2

Days 6-9: The Foundation

Take Responsibility for Your Happiness

Discover why certain mindsets and attitudes either contribute to or sap your happiness, and hear how you can make happiness a choice, no matter what’s going on in your life or what personal challenges you face.

Module 3

Days 10-13: The Pillar of the Heart

Open Your Heart to Yourself and Others

Living with an open heart is one of the pillars to happiness. Find out how to become a more open and loving person to yourself and others, through exercises that enforce the habits that will make your heart blossom with compassion and warmth.

Module 4

Days 14-17: The Pillar of the Body

Uplevel Your Biochemistry of Happiness

Your happiness set-point can be raised by altering and improving the health of your body’s and brain’s physiology. In these videos you’ll learn everyday health habits that increase serotonin and other “feel good” body chemicals.

Module 5

Days 18-21: The Pillar of Spirit/Soul

Plug Into the Greater Energy of Life

Learn how to get closer to the soulful or spiritual side of life, or forge a stronger connection with your Higher Self, in order to trust yourself, trust life, and feel happy.

Module 6

Days 22-25: The Roof

Discover Your Life’s Purpose

Knowing that you’re living a purpose-filled life is critical to happiness. Find out what your purpose is and how to live according to that purpose, whether or not you enjoy what you do every day.

Bonus Module

Days 26-30: The Garden

Nurture the Relationships That Create Happiness

Learn the secrets to surrounding yourself with the kind of relationships that feed your happiness and make life a joy.

FREE BONUS: Get Two FREE Transformational Interviews!

Free Bonuses and Surprises

Our gift to you: a free month of our Transformational Interview Series, where you’ll learn skills and strategies to radically improve all your relationships. You’ll meet a new expert every month, sharing powerful skills and breakthroughs on relationship topics that matter: resolving conflict, setting boundaries, increasing intimacy, practicing genuine self-love… and much, much more.

In addition to monthly eye-opening interviews, we’ve got loads of surprises and bonus content to sweeten the deal (including these three gems in your first free month!)

If you love the program, do nothing. Every month you’ll receive another empowering interview for $29.97/mo. If you don’t want to receive any more interviews or bonus surprises, simply cancel (don’t worry – it’s super easy to do). You won’t pay a thing, and you’ll keep all the free interviews and bonuses, too.

Place your order and be watching 30 Days to a Happier Life in a matter of minutes. Take a full 7 days to examine the program, practice the happiness habits and do the exercises in the guidebook. See for yourself if you feel happier after a few days of practicing the transformational habits, with me as your daily guide and mentor in the video.

If, at the end of the 7 days, you decide this program isn’t going to raise your happiness set-point like you had hoped, simply let me know and I’ll refund your investment in FULL, no questions, no hassle. This is my promise: You’ll find outstanding value from this program after putting it into practice for a full week or pay nothing!

My Risk-Free Promise

Fall In Love With Your Life

30 Daily powerful video lessons to build a “happiness habit”

Daily practices, exercises and games that add up to big changes

Accompanying guidebook to integrate your learnings

Streaming or downloadable format

100% Money-Back Guarantee

Only $199.97 (best value!)
or 4 payments of $49.99


No Matter What You Want Out Of Life, It’ll All Be Easier To Attain If You’re A Deeply Happy Person FIRST

When it comes to happiness, we have it backwards.

We believe that we need to get something or achieve something FIRST before we can finally be happy. We spend so much of our time and energy striving to get what we think will do it for us—true love, that promotion or contract, that perfect home, completing that project, and so on.

We think we’ll be at ease about ourselves and life AFTER everything we want falls into place.

But what I learned through my research is that people who are deeply happy—whether they’re born that way or increased their happiness set-point by intuitively embracing happiness habits—are wealthier, healthier, and have better relationships as a result of their happy state!

Happier people are more attractive to others. Opportunities serendipitously show up for them. They eat better, take care of their bodies, and live longer. They have thriving careers and businesses because they love what they do and find a sense of purpose in even mundane tasks.

Smiling Woman With Arms Up

What does this mean for you? This means that if you focus on raising your happiness set-point instead of focusing on conditions or circumstances, chances are you’ll more effortlessly attract the very things for which you’re striving anyway.

Raising your happiness set-point by developing good habits will have a huge ripple effect in all areas of your life.

And even if you don’t get that promotion, fall in love with that dream person, or buy that amazing house—will it even matter? After all, every day you’ll wake up and be happy for no reason!

My dad was right when he said that his best advice for life was, “just be happy.”

You know, I’m glad that I spent so much of my life in a state of low-energy malaise. You know why? Because if I had been born happy, I wouldn’t have had that turning point in my life that led me to discovering what I now know about happiness. I wouldn’t have had the privilege of teaching what I discovered to so many, and seeing their lives transformed.

And—I know real happiness is possible for you, too, no matter what your life is like right now, what you’ve already achieved, and how long you’ve been trying to get to a place of deep contentment. How? Because I’ve seen this process work for all kinds of people from all walks of life, at every age. I even saw my mother, who was my first guinea pig for this process, go from chronically lethargic and depressed to positive and joyful about life when she was in her 80s!

To me, there’s nothing more important than being happier. It’s our birthright. Why we’re on the planet. I’m so grateful to have the opportunity to show you how to find that kind of happiness at last.

With love and happiness,

Marci Shimoff

Fall In Love With Your Life

30 Daily powerful video lessons to build a “happiness habit”

Daily practices, exercises and games that add up to big changes

Accompanying guidebook to integrate your learnings

Streaming or downloadable format

100% Money-Back Guarantee

Only $199.97 (best value!)
or 4 payments of $49.99