Let’s face it, divorce really sucks.
It rocks your world, takes over your life, and consumes your every waking moment. Emotionally, physically, financially, socially—it feels like nothing has been left untouched.
Without a doubt, it’s one of the most difficult and traumatic events you can go through, and on top of your personal stress and uncertainty, you can’t stop thinking about how this will turn your children’s lives upside down.
Internationally-recognized co-parenting expert, speaker, coach and author
Now more than ever, your kids need you, but how are you supposed to help them through this when you’re barely keeping it together yourself?
And how are you supposed to co-parent with someone you don’t love anymore, can’t talk to, or maybe even hate?
Like most parents, you’re probably taking life moment by moment, day by day and handling whatever crisis gets thrown your way on the fly.
Totally exhausted at the end of the day, you pour yourself into bed only to lie awake worrying:
“Did I make the right choice?”
“Am I ruining my children’s lives?”
“How will I get through this?”
“Will life ever feel okay again?”
“What if the fighting never stops?”
“Will I lose my kids?”
The kids…
Despite your best efforts to keep life humming along, the stress is starting to show. Maybe you’re dealing with more meltdowns, bigger tantrums, or kids who are pushing limits at every turn.
Maybe your kids are spending too much time in their rooms or they’ve started sobbing at the drop of a hat. You might have a kid that’s angry and blames YOU for the divorce. Even more upsetting, your child may have shut down completely, doesn’t want to talk and won’t let you in.
Given everything you’re dealing with it’s no great surprise that you feel overwhelmed, exhausted, and unprepared.
There’s so much you need to figure out, and do, and handle.
But what if I told you it doesn’t have to be that way?
What if there was a way to guide your children through divorce effectively?
Here’s the deal…how you manage life from this point forward (especially your relationship with the other parent) has a HUGE impact on your children’s emotional wellbeing. It can affect how they feel about themselves, how well they do in school, the way they cope with stress, and even how they approach their own relationships in the future.
While every bone in your body knows this, the way forward isn’t always clear.
What’s really in their best interest? How can you be fair to them? To you? To your ex?
Will the tough decisions you need to make hurt them or help them in the long run?
While you may not have all the answers, you know for certain you want to give them a sense of security, belonging, and lots of love.
The good news? You CAN do all of this.
It IS possible for your children to thrive even after a divorce or break-up. You CAN make their lives easier. It’s in your power and ability to do so, no matter what your ex is doing, or not doing, or how your kids are feeling right now.
You just need to know how.
Without question, you know your children better than anyone else.
You know their favorite foods, treasured toys, first crushes, and best friends.
You know how to make them laugh, to get them to buckle down, and to brighten their day.
But do you know the best way to minimize conflict, keep them out of the middle, and help them adjust to life out of two homes?
Do you know what to say when they’re missing the other parent, struggling with sadness, or wanting to know why you’re splitting up?
Like many parents, you may spend a lot of time beating yourself up for not knowing what to do or how to handle all the twists and turns that come with divorce.
But really, how could you?
The truth is figuring out how to co-parent with someone you don’t love anymore doesn’t come naturally to most of us. Our vows didn’t come with instructions on what to do if all else fails. When our kids were born there was no guidebook on how to be good parents, let alone how to be good divorced parents.
And the world we live in today doesn’t make it any easier. Despite how common divorce is, there is still a lot of judgement, shaming, and blaming that goes on.
Add to the mix all the raw emotions, confusion, complexity, sadness, and anger that comes with divorce. How could you possibly expect to flawlessly navigate one of the most challenging times in your life on your own.
And yet, the standards we set for ourselves as parents can be incredibly brutal.
When you don’t get it right, you feel guilty, overwhelmed, and worried that you have totally screwed up your kids for life. You feel like a bad parent.
But there’s something important you need to know:
I get it, it’s hard to watch your kids hurt. No matter how old they are, when they are struggling, upset, or in pain, it’s natural to want to shield and protect them. And when you become the one responsible for their heartache, it’s hard not to feel like you’re the one that screwed up.
I know you want to get it right for your kids. And you feel like it’s your responsibility to handle this well.
The thing is…you don’t have to do it alone.
Think about how you approach other issues that are arguably just as critical.
When your child gets sick and isn’t getting better, you go see a doctor.
When you need to appear in court, you hire a lawyer.
When there’s a water leak in your house, you call a plumber.
And when you’re struggling with parenting after a separation or divorce, it’s NO DIFFERENT.
Divorce, separation, co-parenting, remarriage—are all complicated, life-changing, difficult transitions. I don’t know how anyone feels prepared for all of the challenges that these experiences bring.
The thing is when you have kids, the stakes are high. The decisions you’re making right now aren’t just impacting their lives today, you are also shaping their tomorrow. To be honest, even the most loving co-parents can unintentionally make choices that have lasting UNINTENDED consequences on their children.
But that doesn’t have to be you…
As a parent who’s already juggling more than your fair share, finding the advice and support you need, when you need it, isn’t easy. The last thing you want to do is trudge through a bunch of psycho-babble looking for answers or spend years in family counseling talking about how you feel. If you’re like most parents, what you want and need is ANSWERS…practical solutions to tough problems.
And that’s why I created this program.
As a divorce coach and parent educator having worked with families for more than 20 years, I know how hard it can be to find the right kind of help. Which is why I created a program that focuses on providing you with straightforward information, on-the-ground advice, and realistic solutions to the most critical parenting problems divorce brings.
Co-Parenting With Purpose: How to Raise Happy, Secure and Resilient Kids After You’ve Split Up is designed to give you the answers you need to make your child’s life easier, more predictable and stable. It helps you take action right away by focusing on the things you CAN control and CAN do instead of what you CAN’T.
I know how hard divorce and co-parenting can be for kids and parents.
Not only have I coached hundreds of parents for over 20+ years, and taught more co-parenting classes than I can count…
I’ve stood in your kids’ shoes as a child of a difficult divorce myself.
I have also spent a considerable amount of time in the trenches of blended family life. When I met and married the love of my life, I not only said “I do” to him, but I also said “I do” to his two kids.
I learned a lot about what NOT to do as a kid with divorced parents, and I learned a lot about what TO DO from my bonus children.
Just like you, I’ve made plenty of mistakes. And just like you, I had days that I struggled, where things got quite rocky, and where the mess and complication seemed too much to bear.
You can raise a healthy, happy, well adjusted child. My practical, easy, step-by-step advice and tips can start being put into action TODAY.
I’ll show you how to create a “new normal” in your child’s life in a way that doesn’t leave them feeling unsettled and anxiety-ridden. And if you’ve been divorced for years, you’ll learn how to take action right away to ensure they feel supported, empowered, and confident in their life.
But first, you’ll learn how to take care of your own feelings and needs if you’re stressed and frazzled, so that you can become the stable, present, and calm parent your children need.
Co-Parenting With Purpose also shows you how to relate to and work with your ex in forming a co-parenting plan that is TRULY best for your children, so they won’t feel like a “visitor” in their parent’s life. You’ll learn how to create rituals and routines that lessen disruption and make your kids feel more settled and comfortable, even when you have different schedules, diets, and expectations from the other household.
You’ll learn what type of positive things to say to your children about the other parent (even if you can’t stand your ex) and what NOT to say, so you lessen the chances that your children will feel caught in the middle between the two people they love the most.
You’ll also learn what age-appropriate strategies you can use to co-parent children from age 1 month to 18 years, and what to do when your child is angry, sad, depressed, or simply not coping well with the new situation at home.
Every family is different, and has different challenges. Some parents worry more about finances, some have very contentious relationships with their ex, some actually get along well with their ex. While you may have your own unique challenges with your kids and your ex, the following are some of the most common ones I hear from separated or divorced parents.
These are challenges I address in detail and help you resolve in the Co-Parenting With Purpose program. See if you relate to any (or all!) of them:
Parenting takes patience and energy under the best of circumstances, let alone after a separation or divorce. When your kids are having meltdowns or difficulties at school, it feels like one more thing on your already-full plate. It takes everything you’ve got not to lose your cool.
When you’re short-tempered, irritable, or completely tapped out, your kids can sense your stress, and they don’t know how to cope with it. End result? More acting out, temper tantrums, and push back. It just becomes a vicious cycle.
In my program, you’ll learn how to effectively deal with your frustration, overwhelm, and sadness, so that you can be a centered, present parent to your children and better manage any stress or anxiety THEY may be going through.
You’ll also discover how to take better care of yourself for your kids, WITHOUT necessarily putting more to-do’s on your plate.
When parents break up, children naturally struggle to understand why.
The idea that their parents don’t love each other anymore may leave them wondering if someday you might stop loving them too.
Depending on their age, they may also look at your separation or divorce as their fault in some way. When children don’t have access to information, they fill in the blanks on their own.
This is why it’s so important to give your children an age-appropriate explanation about why you divorced. But HOW you answer their question is just as important. You’ll learn how to tell your children the truth about what’s happening to your family without overburdening them with adult information or overindulging their curiosity.
In this course, I’ll share top tips for when to talk to your kids, what to say for your first BIG TALK and how to decide whether it’s better to talk to them with (or without) the other parent present.
Your children don’t want to see you. They seem angry and critical of you. They’ve stopped responding to your calls and texts. You’re caught off guard when the once-loving relationship you had with your children has soured, faded, or even become a forgotten memory in your children’s minds.
It’s a devastating loss for a parent who feels completely unable to control what’s happening. After all, your kids are the most important people in your life. Now that relationship is strained, and it’s completely unfair. Furious at your Ex for poisoning them against you, you feel a strong urge to set the record straight and tell them the truth.
Unfortunately, that rarely makes things better. However, that doesn’t mean your situation is hopeless, there are things you can do to avoid making the situation worse and stabilize your relationship with your kids. And…I’ll show you how.
Your ex was supposed to pick up the kids… three hours ago. She promised she’d get them new sneakers before school started this year, and hasn’t. He forgot to call your child on his birthday.
You hate seeing your kids disappointed over and over but you don’t know what to do about it. You’d like to tell them what a jerk the other parent is but you know deep down that’s not the right thing to do. So how do you support your kids feelings without trashing the other parent?
How you relate to your Ex plays a tremendous role in your child’s life and how they relate to the world. It shapes the way they feel about themselves as well as their expectations for future relationships. Because kids see themselves as half mom and half dad, how you tread this delicate territory is critical.
My program will guide you in this delicate territory where you have to acknowledge your child’s feelings and what’s happening with the other parent, without placing your children in a no-win situation.
You and your ex probably have a very good idea of how to push each other’s buttons. He shows up late AGAIN. You accuse him of doing it on purpose. He says you’re a control freak just like when you were married. You shoot back that if he wasn’t so irresponsible you wouldn’t have to be. And before you know it the gloves have come off and the shouting match begins. UGH.
Setting all of that history aside and finding a way to work together for the benefit of your children can feel about as easy as nailing jelly to the wall.
As difficult as it may seem now, your children’s sense of security and happiness depends on how you navigate your relationship with your ex. While you may no longer be in love with each other, you will always be the only parents you’re children will ever have. For their sake, redefining your relationship and finding ways to be civil, respectful, and cooperative are key.
In Co-Parenting With Purpose, I’ll show you how to communicate with your Ex without pushing each other’s buttons. Even if your Ex isn’t willing to be cooperative, you’ll learn how to side-step the conflict, communicate effectively, and stay focused on your kids.
Extensive and excessive litigation is unbelievably damaging to children. They can feel caught in the middle, experience increased anxiety and stress, and this can delay their ability to adjust to the changes brought on by divorce.
When you have differences that need to be worked out with your Ex, going to court isn’t your only option. Actually there are several other more effective, less costly, and less stressful alternatives that allow you to go through this process with integrity (without emotionally draining you and your kids).
In this program, I share information about those alternatives, and offer you a perspective on what the legal system CAN do for you, and what it most definitely CANNOT.
While you can’t change the fact that you are no longer together with your ex, there are certain things you can do (or avoid) so that your children get through this crisis strong, resilient, and secure.
I find that parents who have a good grasp of what they’re feeling, and what their children are feeling, are already ahead of the curve. The key is knowing how to HANDLE the feelings that come up in a constructive manner that is both empowering and healing to you AND your children.
You’ll learn how to separate your thoughts from the feelings that are distressing you, and reshape your thinking so that you can focus your efforts on a positive outcome for your children.
As a parent, it’s normal to feel gutted when you have to send your child off with the other parent and they cry. Especially when you have no idea what happens in the other house. You might even wonder if it’s something the other parent is or isn’t doing. However, be careful about jumping to conclusions.
Consistency is the cornerstone to a child’s sense of safety and security. Unfortunately the dynamics of transitioning between two households can bring up feelings of anxiety and upset in any child.
There are ways to help your child adjust better to these transitions, so they’re less upset and anxious, and less likely to act out or have tantrums when leaving for, or coming back from, the other parent’s home.
Your support and guidance, can help them feel a better sense of continuity, which enables you to feel less riddled with guilt when it’s time to send them off to spend time with the other parent.
When you spend less time with your kids, it’s only natural to wonder if you’ll still be an active presence in their lives.
You might even be worried that your child will love you less as time goes on, or that someone else might take your place in their lives.
While your time with kids might be limited, the quality of your relationship doesn’t have to suffer.
The truth is, you CAN be a positive influence on your children no matter how much time you’re spending together. I’ll show you practical ways to focus on creating a sense of belonging and connection with your children whether they are with you for half the week or one weekend a month.
I’ll also cover how to establish a two-home concept and what it is that truly matters to kids after the split.
Your children just spent a week with your Ex and now any structure you had in place has just been shot to hell. Your kids won’t go to bed when it’s their bedtime, they’re whining about wanting junk food, fighting with each other, and want to know why they can’t watch TV all weekend like they do at the other parent’s house.
Managing the transitions between households gently and effectively is one of the major keys to raising happy, resilient, and secure children post-divorce or separation.
Even if you and your ex can’t agree on common rules, there are specific things you can do to help your children with these transitions, no matter how different the expectations and rhythms are at the other house.
For example, there are special “rituals” you can do together with your child to emotionally prepare them before they spend time with the other parent.
The key here is that it doesn’t take a huge effort or a monumental undertaking to ensure you’re doing what’s best for your kids. Because my program is designed to help you with proven strategies and tips that are delivered in a practical, efficient way, you can get on with the business of being a loving and strong presence to your children sooner rather than later.
Going from two incomes to one is incredibly stressful, and every dollar matters.
Realistically, paying for private coaching is out of most parents’ reach—especially when navigating the incredibly costly process of a divorce.
I don’t want money to be the reason you don’t get help. That’s why I made Co-Parenting With Purpose, so you and your kids can benefit from my expertise without the sizable money and time investment that private coaching can require.
You’ll get my best advice and solutions for all your co-parenting problems, and you’ll have all the tools you need to help your kids thrive after your divorce.
As our gift to you: a FREE month of our Transformational Parenting Interviews, where you’ll learn skills and strategies to make your life as parent more joyful and less stressful, while raising happy healthy kids. Each month, we’ll introduce you to incredibly insightful experts and cover pressing topics like: raising resilient kids, parental burnout, setting boundaries, managing anxiety and much much more.
In addition to monthly eye-opening interviews, we’ve got loads of surprises and bonus content to sweeten the deal (including these three gems in your first free month!)
If you love the program, do nothing. Every month you’ll receive a new episode for $29.97/mo. If you don’t want to receive any more interviews or bonus surprises, simply cancel (don’t worry – it’s super easy to do). You won’t pay a thing, and you’ll keep all the free interviews and bonuses, too.
Place your order and be viewing Co-Parenting With Purpose in a matter of minutes. Take a full 7 days to watch every single minute of the program, take notes, put the tips into action, and see how much your children thrive from your new approach to co-parenting. I know you’ll feel more confident in your decisions and you’ll be able to better enjoy your new life with your children, knowing you’re doing the very best for their wellbeing. With the mindset shifts you’ll make from this program, you’ll be able to co-parent intelligently, compassionately, and effectively, so your kids are happy, secure, and thriving.
If, at the end of the 7 days, you decide this isn’t the right solution for you, simply let me know and I’ll refund your investment in FULL, no questions, no hassle. This is my promise: You’ll find outstanding value from this program after putting all the advice and tips into practice for a full week or pay nothing!
You’ll be able to access the program within minutes of purchasing.
7 full days of unlimited access before deciding to keep it.
Not 100% thrilled? Let me know and I’ll give you a full refund.
✦ The most comprehensive co-parenting video training in existence
✦ 6+ hours of trainings, step-by-step instructions and scripts
✦ A robust, 92 page workbook that outlines key concepts, provides actionable tools and insights, and gives word-for-word scripts to handle the toughest conversations
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✦ 100% Money-Back Guarantee
Only $149.85 (best value!)
or 4 payments of $37.46
As a divorced parent, you don’t need any more on your already full plate. You also want to do what’s best for your kids. I get it.
That’s why I made Co-Parenting With Purpose so practical. It offers you the most important, must-know information up front. It gives you realistic to-do’s. It explains WHY things work, and why they don’t, without a lot of complicated language.
The words you use, or don’t use, make all the difference.
A short ritual with your child before they go to spend time with the other parent.
Taking time for yourself every morning, so you’ll have the stamina to handle just about anything your ex throws your way that day.
Literally, 15 minutes a day can make a big difference in your outlook and in your child’s life.
It’s not just a philosophy that I teach. It is one I live by daily as a child from a divorced family and as a bonus parent. I hope this program will provide you with the support you need to make that difference in your children’s lives.
Remember, there is hope. Your kids can come out of this as well-adjusted, happy, and thriving adults who feel loved and supported…by both of their parents.
Wishing you and your children the very best,
✦ The most comprehensive co-parenting video training in existence
✦ 6+ hours of trainings, step-by-step instructions and scripts
✦ A robust, 92 page workbook that outlines key concepts, provides actionable tools and insights, and gives word-for-word scripts to handle the toughest conversations
✦ Streaming or downloadable format
✦ 100% Money-Back Guarantee
Only $149.85 (best value!)
or 4 payments of $37.46