Have you been yearning your entire life for a soul-satisfying, enlivening love?
A relationship in which you feel safe, treasured and cherished?
With a person who is steady and unwavering in their love for you, even in those tenuous moments when you’re exposing your innermost secrets?
It’s the kind of relationship in which you don’t even hesitate to allow this person to see every tender and fragile part of you and know in your heart that they won’t ever use it against you.
Psychotherapist, author, podcaster, and leading voice on cultivating healthy intimacy
They won’t pretend to accept you while holding back their judgement. Instead, you’ll know when you look in their eyes that they are moved by and drawn to the real you.
A relationship where you no longer have to wilt, shrink, pull back, or retreat for fear of making this person withdraw or get distant.
You don’t have to pretend to be stronger than you are.
You don’t have to pretend not to care or harden your heart for fear they’ll someday abandon you.
You don’t have to rehearse what to say or hold back your excitement or your trepidation.
This person sees and celebrates everything about you—even those parts you’ve kept tucked away and hidden from everyone else, because you worried you’d be “too much.”
In the bright light of their acceptance, you blossom and flourish.
It’s a relationship in which you feel safe to finally “exhale”…soften your belly, lower your guard, and just love.
To love as much and as big as you want!
And know that you’re loved just as much in return.
It’s a relationship where there are no games…
No “settling”…
No manipulations or contortions for the purposes of sparking “attraction”…
No pretending to be someone you’re not.
No holding back to protect your heart from disappointment and hurt.
Just you being authentically, unabashedly, unapologetically YOU.
Doesn’t that sound absolutely incredible?
So let me ask you now:
Why is this the kind of relationship so many of us dream about but so few of us actually experience?
The answer?
Because we focus on the wrong things when we meet and date someone, and then end up falling for the wrong people for all the wrong reasons.
Allow me to explain…
Many of us date hoping to find someone with whom we’ll feel “chemistry” and attraction.
And then when we DO find that person, we focus on the ways we need to change ourselves for that person, so they’ll love us.
Or we think that if we could do a better job hiding the parts of us that made us feel different, odd, or undesirable, that person will realize what a great match we are for them.
We unconsciously go about denying who we really are in order to find love.
We contort or suppress our authenticity in an effort to “get” this person to want us and desire us.
But all of this is a cruel form of self-punishment, because the minute you start asking yourself, “How do I make myself attractive to this person?” you’re also asking:
What’s wrong with me?
How am I not enough?
What are my undesirable qualities?
How did I not flirt the right way?
What’s the secret thing I need to do or stop doing to make this person want me?
What these questions do is lower your self-esteem and make you less discerning of the person you’re dating.
You’re so focused on getting them to like you, that you lose sight of whether or not this person is kind and available and really interested in YOU.
And this is why, in the end, none of these strategies get us what we really want, which is love and acceptance from the kind of person who can make us happy.
That’s why you need re-steer your dating life toward an approach that heals you, and empowers you, and leads you more directly to love.
Without the games, attraction techniques, subtle manipulations or people-pleasing.
You need an approach that celebrates ALL of who you are, so that you can draw in the person who will accept and love YOU, not a facsimile or distortion of you.
It’s an approach that I’ve developed that’s helped thousands of people find the kind of soul-satisfying, enlivening love they’ve always dreamed of.
The real search for love isn’t about becoming more attractive. Or knowing certain “tips and tricks” about how to get the person you want to want you.
It’s about embracing the magic of our authenticity. And then sharing it with bravery, generosity—and fierce discernment.
In my private practice, I observed that my single clients were hiding the parts of themselves they were ashamed of, or trying to reshape who they were in order to be loved.
They were putting themselves through an emotional wringer with people who were unavailable, simply because they were their “type”. They kept going back, getting hurt, and going back again. They thought that if only they could get this person to want them, by constantly adjusting their personality or behavior, they’d experience romantic bliss. Instead, they’d get stuck in this almost-but-not-quite love limbo for months or even years.
They were getting into relationships with people who weren’t good for them, and then making excuses about why their unkindness or critical nature wasn’t as bad as it seemed.
They were trying every trick they could to make this person more attracted to them, when it was painfully obvious that this person wasn’t really into them the same way.
They tried hard to alter who they were in order to be loved: to be less vulnerable, to seem more feminine, to radiate an easy-going nature they didn’t feel, or to pretend to like things they didn’t like.
All the while, I realized something about my clients.
There was nothing at all wrong with the aspects of themselves they were trying so hard to hide or change. In fact, these aspects they were shy about were amazingly beautiful.
So beautiful, in fact, that all they needed to do was let their authenticity lead the way and they would draw to themselves the exact right person. Someone who would love and accept them and be attracted to the very qualities they deemed “less-than”.
They’d be adored for their sensitive nature.
They’d be appreciated for their quirky sense of humor.
They’d be respected for their fierceness.
They’d be cherished for their softness and vulnerability.
This lit an ember in me.
THIS was why they hadn’t found real love or healthy relationships. This was why they were so confounded by dating.
It’s because they had been focusing on the wrong things in order to get love.
That’s when I realized the secret to helping my clients find the kind of soul-satisfying, enlivening relationship they deserved was guiding them to accept their gifts, insecurities, and aspects of themselves they deemed “unattractive” or flawed in some way.
That was how they would attract a partner who would also accept these gifts in them.
✦ A comprehensive, 6+ hour audio course to find authentic love
✦ 4 micro meditations to help you identify your core gifts and develop healthy attractions
✦ A robust 104 page workbook and two more free bonuses!
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✦ 100% Money-Back Guarantee
Only $139.97 (best value!)
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It took me years to piece this all together into a theoretical framework and a “process” that I could replicate and teach to others effectively.
But I did it! And this process has helped thousands of singles… leading them to their life’s greatest love.
And now I’ve updated this process with my most recent insights and am making it available in my program, Deeper Dating: The Powerful Path to Authentic Love.
This program will help you discover your authenticity, with all the beauty that’s hidden there, so you can open the doorway to that soul-satisfying, true love.
It will be a revelation to see that you’ve been focusing on the wrong things when it comes to dating, and minimizing your most beautiful qualities—qualities that can actually help you naturally and effortlessly attract the right person for the right reasons.
You’ll learn tools that help dissolve and work past long-standing fears of revealing your authentic self, and find out the deeper truth of those fears. The more you learn to love those parts of yourself which you previously pushed down, the less scary (and the more beautiful) they become to you.
Next, you’ll learn how to honor and then lead with your authenticity, when you’re dating or meeting other singles, so that you naturally attract people who are more likely to appreciate and be drawn to who you really are.
And it’s not just about who you attract. You’ll start to see that your attraction to others will change. You’ll lose your taste for unhealthy relationships and you’ll be more intrigued by partners who have the emotional capacity to truly love you and commit to you.
You’ll learn how to tell the difference between attractions that lead to love and attractions that lead to pain. You’ll gain confidence in your ability to recognize a healthy relationship from the start.
You’ll learn about the Wave of Distancing: the single biggest saboteur of healthy, new love. This is when your soul knows you’re with someone who has the capacity to make you happy, but your heart is still trying to protect you, so you begin to mysteriously doubt your attraction to someone in “waves” that come and go.
I’ll explain why this happens and what you should do about it, so that you aren’t fleeing relationships that are good for you the way you may have in the past.
While you can’t force your sexual attraction, you’ll learn how to nurture and cultivate that spark of attraction you feel for the right person.
Yes, you can have a sweet and sustainable love that’s also wild, passionate and sexy.
This is especially important if you have a history of getting hooked on high-chemistry connections with unavailable people. Or if you avoid giving your heart to available people who love you for who you are.
Most dating approaches only teach us how to strengthen our defenses and armor. This program teaches you a way to honor the tender, authentic you underneath the armor while still being strong and discerning.
The process you’ll learn in Deeper Dating is the quickest and easiest way to true, lasting, healthy love because you will no longer waste time in unhealthy relationships or attract unavailable partners.
You’ll go right to the heart of who you really are, and lead with your gifts instead of with your fears and insecurities.
I can’t wait to guide you on this most important journey of your adult life—the journey to intimacy and the search for true love.
When you watch this program, you’ll feel as if I’m guiding you personally, step-by-step, through this powerful process. You will feel my caring and warmth, and the quality of the healing that comes across in my words.
There’s a deep sense of personal connection and safety that comes across in this program, and a contagious excitement I have for this work that will be like wind at your back.
I can’t wait for you to experience it!
In Deeper Dating, you’ll learn all the tools and insights you need to create a healthy, authentic, lifelong love:
A 6+ hour audio with 10 modules that take you through the Deeper Dating process, step-by-step, complete with reflection exercises and other methods that will help you uncover and honor your authenticity, as well as practical dating advice for cultivating healthy attractions.
4 (audio) micro-meditations related to finding your Core Gifts and developing healthier attractions.
A 104-page workbook.
Our gift to you: a free month of our Transformational Interview Series, where you’ll learn skills and strategies to radically improve all your relationships. You’ll meet a new expert every month, sharing powerful skills and breakthroughs on relationship topics that matter: resolving conflict, setting boundaries, increasing intimacy, practicing genuine self-love… and much, much more.
In addition to monthly eye-opening interviews, we’ve got loads of surprises and bonus content to sweeten the deal (including these three gems in your first free month!)
If you love the program, do nothing. Every month you’ll receive another empowering interview for $29.97/mo. If you don’t want to receive any more interviews or bonus surprises, simply cancel (don’t worry – it’s super easy to do). You won’t pay a thing, and you’ll keep all the free interviews and bonuses, too.
You’ll be able to access the program within minutes of purchasing.
7 full days of unlimited access before deciding to keep it.
Not 100% thrilled? Let me know and I’ll give you a full refund.
✦ A comprehensive, 6+ hour audio course to find authentic love
✦ 4 micro meditations to help you identify your core gifts and develop healthy attractions
✦ A robust 104 page workbook and two more free bonuses!
✦ Streaming or downloadable format
✦ 100% Money-Back Guarantee
Only $139.97 (best value!)
or 4 payments of $34.99
Place your order and get full access to Deeper Dating: The Powerful Path to Authentic Love in a matter of minutes. Take a full 7 days to examine the program, and implement the process that will lead you directly to your Core Gifts, so that you can attract partners who are capable of loving and honoring you, and so that you can finally have a healthy, happy relationship for life.
If, at the end of the 7 days, you decide this isn’t the right solution for you, simply let me know and I’ll refund your investment in FULL, no questions, no hassle. This is my promise: You’ll find outstanding value from this program after putting it into practice for a full week or pay nothing!
Discovering what makes you unique and then learning to honor and embrace your authenticity in order to find love is one of the greatest, most important journeys of your entire life.
It can lead to an absolute and stunning shift in the people you’re attracting, and the people you’re attracted to.
It’s a path to a future of love that matches your dreams of what love can be like.
And it’s one of the great privileges of my life to share what I’ve learned about this path.
This work moves me to a state of awe, as again and again, I see that this truest path to love—the path of authenticity—heals our lives at the same time it leads us to the kind of love we dream of.
It heals us because our deepest wounds frequently spring from our greatest gifts, and by acknowledging these gifts, we can speed and deepen our own healing.
This is one of the most powerful paths to love there is. But it’s more than that—it’s a path to the very source of love inside you. This is why it’s so powerful and works so well. It’s a path to your own greatness and potential in all parts of your life!
It’s the place where we feel the beating heart of our humanity. When we learn to lead with our gifts instead of hiding them, we become the people that we were always meant to be.
I wish I could be there to personally witness what happens when YOU learn these lessons of deeper dating: When you choose self-love over self-doubt, when you embrace your precious gifts instead of hiding behind your insecurities.
I wish I could watch you when you stretch your boundaries and find love moving closer.
Or witness the moment when you walk away from unkind, unavailable people, and see the look on your face when you share your vulnerable self with someone and it’s met with joy and appreciation.
I wish I could see all of the moments where you choose this wiser path to love and then the glow on your face as you do that, and the shift in your world as you do that.
Your honoring and appreciation of your authenticity transports you to the place you love from, it is the place you’re inspired from, and it’s the place you discriminate from.
All of these are tremendous gifts in your search for love. It’s the place where magic is.
It’s home.
✦ A comprehensive, 6+ hour audio course to find authentic love
✦ 4 micro meditations to help you identify your core gifts and develop healthy attractions
✦ A robust 104 page workbook and two more free bonuses!
✦ Streaming or downloadable format
✦ 100% Money-Back Guarantee
Only $139.97 (best value!)
or 4 payments of $34.99