
You CAN Meet an Amazing Man and Fall In Love… Without Settling, Wasting Time or Having to Change Who You Are

Little-Known Secrets About Attracting & Dating Quality Men
How To Make Your Dream Man See YOU As The One Woman He Needs To Be With

I know what it’s like to have years of dating knock the crap out of you.

I was that 40-year-old woman who somehow “forgot” to have a romantic relationship (while I was busy hiding in my career).

I wasn’t meeting any single men at all.

I decided to go online and spent 7 years dating and on off before I met Larry, the man I married.

7 LONG, frustrating, lonely years.

I made all the mistakes.

I thought men only wanted younger, dumber, slimmer, “model” types and I was not that…

So I posted pictures that hid my body and compensated by letting men know that I was a smart, independent and busy businesswoman who didn’t have time for nonsense.

Bobbi Palmer

Internationally-recognized dating coach helping women over 40 finally find lasting love

I didn’t want them to know that secretly, I ached to have a man by my side.

I pretended to not “need” a man, so when no man wanted me I could also pretend that I didn’t care.

My inbox went empty for months at a time.

I said yes to the few users and losers who did contact me because I was desperate. No one else was interested.

Once in a while I’d “fall in love” with a profile and get the nerve to write these guys…the few responses I received were of the “no thanks, you’re not my type” kind. I couldn’t figure out why they didn’t see our potential!

I ended up feeling so rejected and worthless.

There were years when I didn’t go on one single date. It was awful.

I finally went to see a therapist (there were no dating coaches back then) to help me figure out what I was doing that wasn’t working. She helped me realize that it wasn’t about the men being jerks or online dating sucking…it was my attitudes, beliefs and assumptions that were standing in my way.

After figuring that out, I consulted with a coach who helped me learn the practical skills that got me noticed in a way I hadn’t been noticed before.

I learned that I had to tailor my approach because men in their 40s, 50s, 60s and more were DIFFERENT from the men I remember dating in high school and in my 20s and 30s.

I was way off in believing that men didn’t want a woman like me.

They SO did!

I just had to do a much better job of showing them who I was!

Once I learned HOW to do that, EVERYTHING changed. I met Larry, and we’ve been happily married since 2006. Then I started teaching other women how to do the same, and have helped THOUSANDS of women so far… Now it’s your turn.

This CAN and WILL work for you, too.

It just takes realizing the TRUTH about men, dating, and your expectations… and then learning the practical, seriously effective skills that will make him see you as the awesome woman that you are.

Secrets About Relationship-Ready, Grownup Men Most Women Will Never Know

Do you wish you could skip all of that nerve-wracking, anxiety-provoking “dating” and just meet a great, grownup man who really wants you (and isn’t just pretending to until someone better comes along)?

Would you like to learn how to connect with that great, grownup man in a way that captures his heart, so he’s always taking things to the next level with you…and the next (and not ignoring you, stringing you along or ghosting you?)

Wouldn’t it be incredible to have an almost “unfair advantage” over other women when it comes to meeting grownup men and knowing how to get their attention and interest?

Imagine having “insider” knowledge about what these men want so that you’re more appealing to them than other women who are younger, more athletic, or more “classically” beautiful?

Do you want to stop wasting your time on men who won’t message or call you back, men who act interested at first but then disappear, men who are nothing like their profile, and men who are just looking for a casual “fling” versus a real, grownup relationship?

Do you worry that you’ll never find the right man for you…but when you finally do, he won’t be into you or he’ll have all kinds of excuses about why he doesn’t have “time” for a real relationship?

If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions, then I have great news to share with you.

Once you understand the mind of the “grownup man” and how he behaves in the early stages of meeting and dating, what he expect and what drives him to want to get to know you better…

Then you CAN meet an amazing man and fall in love.

…without settling, wasting time, or having to change who you are.

There’s something fascinating that I’ve discovered in the last 10 years of helping countless women find their Special Guy. And it’s this:

Most women would have much less trouble finding their Dream Man if they hadn’t made some critical mistakes with online dating.

The 3 Dangerous Mistakes Most Women Make With Men That Ruin Their Chances at Finding Mr. I Love You

There are three mistakes you could be making that are probably leading to more frustration, more lonely weekends, more crazy-making confusion about why you’re still single—and they’re totally avoidable.

They are:

Mistake #1

Thinking You Know What a Grownup Man Is Looking For In a Woman

Let’s say you’re not meeting any quality men, or the ones you DO like, aren’t interested in you.

You think the problem is men. Or that dating sucks. Or that something else is wrong with you.

But here’s the REAL problem: How you present yourself.

What you write in text messages or emails, or how you “flirt” with a man has EVERYTHING to do with how interested a man will be in getting to know you more or asking you out.

A good example of this is how you compose an online dating profile. What typically happens is that you draft something you think represents your values, interests, what you want and don’t want in a man.

You list your deal-breakers and “must-haves” and you include words like yoga, cooking, nature. You so eloquently relay that beautiful, long story that gets to the core of what makes you special.

Couple Laughing

Your girlfriends read it and tell you they think it’s great!

And this is the point where most women make their mistake, because…

You’re assuming you know what a grownup man will “relate” to or be intrigued by.

But the reality is that grownup men are NOT like you—or like your girlfriends.

There are certain things you say (or write) that capture his attention.

And then there are certain things that are going to turn him off.

You have to know what a grownup man will respond to. You have to know what men over 40 care about. Why?

Because it’s NOT the same things that men in their 20s and 30s care about.

It’s NOT the same things YOU care about, either.

If you don’t know what this is, then you’re likely NOT going to magically draw in the right man—or automatically weed out the jerks and players.

That’s why, if you’re still spinning your wheels and getting nowhere, not meeting any great guys, and feeling more and more hopeless that you ever will…

It’s because you haven’t taken the time to understand what grownup men want, how they think, or what will inspire them to want to message you and ask you out.

Fortunately I have, and I have years of experience testing what I’ve learned and helping women apply those lessons and skills to turn their love lives around.

Mistake #2

Thinking All Men Are Shallow and Dating Sucks

It’s true that dating is different than it was when you were a decade younger.

But perhaps not in the way you think.

Maybe you think men have become more shallow, and dating has become more a source of entertainment for some men rather than a way to meet a lifetime partner.

Or that all the good men are taken, and the rest just want to date much younger women and have casual sex.

But that’s simply not true!

Yes, dating is different now, but it’s different for different reasons.

First of all, older men don’t chase, not like men in their 20s do.

Mature Couple Embracing

Older, confident, accomplished men have “been there, done that” with the chasing thing, and the potential for rejection as well as the challenge of the chase, just doesn’t turn them on the way it used to.

They’re much less into making bold, first moves than they might have been when they were younger.

It’s not that men won’t make the first move. But if you see a man you’d like to meet and he hasn’t yet found you… why wait?

All you have to do is give him a clear, concise signal that YOU are interested, and he’s likely to take the lead from there.

Mature guys WANT to take the lead and make you feel like a Woman with a capital W.

It may just happen differently than you’re expecting.

Grownup men also want to feel a lot of the same things you do. They are looking for someone who makes them feel safe. Understood. Valued.

That’s the good news.

The bad news is, if despite knowing this you still tell yourself that men are shallow and dating sucks, you will end up closing yourself off to SO many opportunities.

Mistake #3

Thinking “Chemistry” Is the Best Indicator of Relationship Potential

Your vision is to meet a man who is tall, caring, handsome, successful, and educated. You don’t want to settle, and you don’t care to compromise your dream.

You want to feel “chemistry” with the man who will be your lifelong partner.

I get it.

But what if all your must-haves are preventing you from connecting with your One Special Guy?

What if you’re simply wrong about the kind of man who can really make you blissfully happy?

Couple Blissfully Happy

How do I know?

Because the #1 insight my coaching clients say they have after working with me is that they would have never picked their great guy if I hadn’t taught them how to look at men differently.

In other words, if I hadn’t taught them to reconsider their deal-breakers and must-haves and stop relying on “chemistry” as the sole indicator of relationship potential, they would still be single or hooked up with the wrong guy.

Instead, they’re finally in love, in committed relationships, engaged, married, and happy. Blissfully happy.

I want you to find that kind of happiness, too.

And look, I would never tell you to be with a man who doesn’t respect your physical boundaries, or is a player, or focuses on himself 24/7. In fact, I work hard to help my coaching clients spot these guys and get rid of them ASAP.

And though I want you to give all men a fair chance, I wouldn’t even tell you to keep seeing a guy who, after a couple dates, you couldn’t imagine touching… no matter how nice he is.

But there are things that are simply “Men Acting Like Men” and should not be judged harshly… things that are nothing to worry about.

This is why understanding good, grownup men—REALLY understanding them—is the key to finding love after 40.

And that’s where I can help.

Introducing From Online to In-Love — A Step-by-Step Guide to Finding Love After 40

The very best way for you to connect with grownup men who share your vision for a relationship, meet the one man who will adore you and want to share a life with you.

Online Dating can be a powerful tool for you, too, but only if you have the right mindset, approach and practical skills that makes it possible.

That’s where my video program, From Online to In-Love: A Step-by-Step Guide to Finding Love After 40, comes in.

I developed this program after more than a decade of teaching these skills and perspectives to literally thousands of women—some as young as 30 and some well into their 70s.

These are women, who, like you, were either disillusioned or disappointed with the complexities and frustrations of dating today.

Or had recently divorced or widowed and were back in the dating world for the first time in decades.

In this program, you will learn tools, skills and perspectives that are specifically tailored to address the unique challenges of dating for women after the age of 40.

You’ll learn the truth about grownup men, what they really want, and how to find and attract the “good” ones that can make wonderful partners.

Grownup men are totally different than what you remember from your younger days and from the guys you might have been picking and dating recently.

I’ll teach you about specific age and gender differences not even on your radar, which will help you stand out from other women online—because you’ll communicate with men in a way that resonates with them.

You’ll come to understand that you need not change who you are or give up where you want to live in order to have that soul-satisfying relationship—because I’ll show you how to set clear boundaries with men who live too far away, aren’t a good fit, or are just looking for a “hook up”.

Your anxiety over the “dangers” of online dating will disappear after you get the facts and learn how to easily and quickly spot scammers and “fake” accounts that especially target older women. No more getting sucked in by flattery and fantasy, only to be taken advantage of, just because you’re a certain age or financially more established.

I’ll show you specific strategies to write a magnetic profile your perfect guy won’t be able to resist, and how to scan men’s profiles for dealbreakers and red flags, as well as “diamonds in the rough.”

Mature Couple Smiling

You’ll open your eyes to the possibilities that you never saw before, and you’ll be so pleasantly surprised to learn how many great men there are out there that you dismissed before, for the wrong reasons.

I’ll show you how to take charge of your online dating experience, instead of just sitting around waiting and waiting…and getting no action. There’s a special way to do this without seeming needy, desperate or “chasing” men…but it’s so alluring to the right man.

You’ll start to feel hopeful, confident and competent in the realm of online dating.

And when your light bulb goes on (and it will!) you’re going to be stunned at how simple it is and how many good men are looking to be a woman’s great grownup partner, and will show up for you AND turn you on. (I mean you need a guy you want to kiss, right?)

I’m talking about the men who are passing you by right now. Or the ones you fantasize about meeting, if only you had the nerve to get online.

No more “online dating sucks.”

No more “there are no good men” mantra for you, sister.

This new INFORMATION, this new TRUTH and these new SKILLS will set you free…and get you the meaningful relationship you want.

You’re going to know how to take the shortcut through the online dating maze, and avoid the pitfalls that 99% of women endure…because they don’t know what YOU are going to know.

No more avoiding or hiding from this modern dating tool, which is your best chance at meeting someone.

Every day will be just one enjoyable step closer to your ultimate goal…a lifetime of love with a man who will light you up, have your back and add a new dimension of joy to your life.

Here’s What Else You’ll Learn In This Eye-Opening, Step-by-Step Program:

  • What to do if a man doesn’t message, text, or call you back, and the #1 mistake most women make when a man goes “silent.”
  • The biggest mistakes women over 40 make when they approach a grownup man that actually is guaranteed to make him withdraw or disappear.
  • How to use conversations as powerful emotional triggers so the RIGHT man will want to get to know you better.
  • A magic but simple 3-step communication tip for asking a man to give you what you want—whether it’s to reschedule a date, meet somewhere specific or ask you out again, that comes across as kind, direct and confident.
  • The one word mantra that can help you deal with men who don’t write back, act weird, or say inappropriate things, so you can feel confident and not waste your time on jerks.
  • How to compose your profile so it’ll weed out all the men you don’t want, and attract the ones who have the potential to make you happy.
  • Re-framing long-held beliefs and assumptions that are blocking you from love.
  • The secret insight into what grownup men are really looking for in a romantic partner (hint: it has very little to do with age or looks)
  • The signals you may accidentally be sending that are giving off the wrong vibe and are sure to kill any interest or attraction he feels for you.
  • What men need to feel about you before deciding to message you or ask you out.
  • How mature men are different (and better!) than the boys you used to date (yay!). This will help you have realistic expectations and make more meaningful connections with the men you meet online and offline.
  • And much more!

Attract And Identify A High Quality, “Grown Up” Man

A step-by-step video course to help you master online dating

The right mindset, approach and skills to find love after 40

Word-for-word examples to make your communications increase his desire

Streaming or downloadable format

100% Money-Back Guarantee

Only $139.97 (best value!)
or 4 payments of $34.99


From Online to In-Love is both a practical “how-to” program on how to navigate online dating AND a deep dive into the mind of a quality grownup man, so you know exactly what the kind of man you want is looking for and what it’ll take to make him wildly interested in you.

Here’s specifically how this program is structured and what you’ll be learning:

Getting Started Module

Getting Started Module

  • The big “aha!” that led me to finding my husband when I was 47
  • The 5 keys that will help you get a jump start on meeting your Dream Man
  • The mindset that will elevate your chances of finding the right man, and how to manage any negative feelings that keep you from getting back “out there” with online dating
Module 1

Module 1

Set Yourself Up for Success

  • How to avoid the common disappointments by setting realistic expectations
  • A mental tool that will keep you confident, sane and moving forward, so you don’t give up too soon or let it overwhelm you
  • 4 strategies to reject rejection, so you can keep your self-esteem intact and enjoy online dating until you connect with your true, forever love
  • An exercise that will serve as a powerful reminder that you already have what it takes to be successful with meeting grownup men online and offline
Module 2

Module 2

Choose Your Online Dating Technology

  • The unique benefits and drawbacks of using online dating sites versus dating apps, and help determining which one is right for your personality, lifestyle, and personal preferences
  • The 3 key decisions you’ll have to make before you even set up an online dating account, and how these decisions will start you off on the right track from the beginning
  • The safety and other features you should definitely use, and the ones you should just say “no” to
  • The types of contacts men will make that you should NEVER ignore, and why your assumptions about these forms of contact may NOT be accurate
Module 3

Module 3

Attracting the Quality Men You Want to Meet

  • How to make yourself “relatable” to kind, confident men who are looking for a lifetime partnership (because it really doesn’t matter what your girlfriends think!)
  • How to get past the big mistakes that most women make so you stand out and get attention from the right type of men
  • How to express yourself meaningfully in your profile in a way that helps men feel compelled to want to know more about you
  • How using “nuggets” of information about yourself and what you’re looking for attracts the men you want, and kindly compels the wrong men to pass you by
  • How to phrase your deal breakers in a way that doesn’t accidentally turn off the men who have so much potential to be right for you
  • Photo do’s and don’ts that show your beauty inside and out (and the truth about what men are looking for in your pics)
Module 4

Module 4

What the Men You Want, Want: Getting to Know the Quality, Grownup Man

  • What mature, commitment-minded men are looking for as they date and choose their lifetime partner
  • The reason you have (what seems like) a great date and he never calls, and how to avoid that ever happening again
  • How to bring out the best in a grownup, good man
  • How to recognize mature, good guys online, and tips and strategies to help you attract them, relate to them, and get to know—and appreciate—them
Module 5

Module 5

Ace Your Online Connection So You Get Dates with the RIGHT Men

  • The “recipe” for writing an email that gets opened and gets a response from the right men (even if his mailbox is full)
  • How to guide your online conversations in a way that leads to “real” dates so you don’t get stuck with penpals
  • The silly things good men do that you should ignore or overlook so you don’t miss men with great potential
  • How to spot scammers, unavailable men and time-wasters and the one word that helps you deal with them without wasting your time or emotional energy
  • Common communication traps that can trip you up and how to avoid them
  • How to stay safe by sharing the right information at the right time
Module 6

Module 6

Uncover the Hidden Gems: Man-Shopping Grownup Style

  • In this module, I’ll get online and we’ll look at real profiles, real dating sites, and real men, and I’ll give you my best advice on what to look for, what to ignore, and how to “interpret” a man’s profile for the diamond in the rough
Module 7

Module 7

Success Steps and Plans

  • Strategies and advice that will help you avoid the predictable pitfalls you may encounter throughout your online dating journey
  • The 5 essential steps you need to take before getting online
  • Creating an action plan that gets you moving in the right direction…toward that man who will happily share your life

FREE BONUS: Get Two FREE Transformational Interviews!

Free Bonuses and Surprises

Our gift to you: a free month of our Transformational Interview Series, where you’ll learn skills and strategies to radically improve all your relationships. You’ll meet a new expert every month, sharing powerful skills and breakthroughs on relationship topics that matter: resolving conflict, setting boundaries, increasing intimacy, practicing genuine self-love… and much, much more.

In addition to monthly eye-opening interviews, we’ve got loads of surprises and bonus content to sweeten the deal (including these three gems in your first free month!)

If you love the program, do nothing. Every month you’ll receive another empowering interview for $29.97/mo. If you don’t want to receive any more interviews or bonus surprises, simply cancel (don’t worry – it’s super easy to do). You won’t pay a thing, and you’ll keep all the free interviews and bonuses, too.

Place your order and be watching From Online to In-Love in a matter of minutes. Take a full 7 days to examine every Module of the program and see for yourself how excited, optimistic, and well-prepared you feel about using online dating to meet Your Special Man. You’re on your way!

You CAN find a good man online at this stage of your life, and it’s much easier than you ever thought possible. You’ll feel excited about the idea of getting online (again, or for the first time) and trying out your new profile. You’ll start to see online dating it for what it is: a powerful tool for meeting eligible men, but not actual “dating”. This means you’ll already feel a lot less bothered by what you used to perceive as “blow offs” or rejection.

If, at the end of the 7 days, you decide this program isn’t right for you for any reason, simply let me know and I’ll refund your investment in FULL, no questions, no hassle. This is my promise: You’ll appreciate the value this course can bring you (after you commit to the time it takes to complete it, get online, and start putting the strategies into practice) or I will refund your money in full within 7 days of your purchase.

My Risk-Free Promise

Attract And Identify A High Quality, “Grown Up” Man

A step-by-step video course to help you master online dating

The right mindset, approach and skills to find love after 40

Word-for-word examples to make your communications increase his desire

Streaming or downloadable format

100% Money-Back Guarantee

Only $139.97 (best value!)
or 4 payments of $34.99


Learn How to Have Fun, Feel Safe, and Take Control of Your Online Experience… and Finally Find Your Special Guy

From Online to In-Love isn’t just about using the internet to find love. It’s about getting in touch with your best and true self, including what you have to offer, the kind of man you really want, and the relationship you envision for your future.

It’s about being unabashedly and unapologetically real—without hiding, pretending, or contorting yourself in order to impress a man you don’t even know.

It’s learning that loving yourself as a woman and taking care of yourself is the way to find a good man that deserves you.

Couple Wearing Hats

It’s about ridding yourself of old and no-longer-true beliefs about yourself and men. As I say: “Thank goodness we’re not 18 anymore!” It feels so empowering to have life experience, maturity, and wisdom borne of struggle and achievement.

You see, online dating doesn’t have to feel confusing and overwhelming, once you learn the in’s and outs. Dating past the age of 40 can be about having fun, feeling safe, confident, in control— because you are growing, learning new things, and making better choices.

Here’s something to take away, if nothing else: You have the same life skills, knowledge, traits, etc. that led you to success in other parts of your life, so there’s no reason to think you won’t have that with online dating. You already have all the gumption and resilience you need to be successful at this…it just takes getting over your limiting beliefs and then applying some easy-to-learn practical skills to the process.

Do yourself a HUGE favor right now. Give yourself permission to want and need a fabulous man in your life, because you deserve love and you deserve to be happy. Tell yourself it’s not a weakness to admit you need a little bit of help, and accept that help when it is offered.

You’re a strong, smart, amazing woman with so much love to give. The right man will thank his lucky stars to have found you.


Bobbi Palmer

Attract And Identify A High Quality, “Grown Up” Man

A step-by-step video course to help you master online dating

The right mindset, approach and skills to find love after 40

Word-for-word examples to make your communications increase his desire

Streaming or downloadable format

100% Money-Back Guarantee

Only $139.97 (best value!)
or 4 payments of $34.99