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Avoid 6 Parenting Mistakes That Damage Your Child’s Self-Worth And Ability To Thrive As An Adult

In this powerful program with 6 top parenting experts, you’ll learn how to avoid the mistakes most parents make that cause kids to feel unworthy, incapable, emotionally unbalanced and entitled as adults.

Dear Parent,

If you want to raise kids that become resilient, capable and confident adults (and not constantly second-guess your parenting approach in the process) then this is going to be the most important message you read all day – and will change the way you parent forever.

The very fact that you’ve landed on this page indicates that you’re already a good parent.

That you want to do what’s best for your kids.

You want to help them become happy, well-rounded, responsible and self-assured adults.

Adorable little girl with dessert

The problem is that some of the things you might do to parent your kids in the short-term – such as disciplining them – may actually work against what you really want for your kids in the long-term, such as them having the ability to regulate their emotions and succeed in life.

Here’s a common example…

If your kids are doing something you don’t want them to do, you may tell them to stop.

Or put them in a time-out.

Or threaten to take away privileges and then follow through if they persist in misbehaving.

Or yell at them to get their attention.

Or tell them they’re okay and to stop overreacting.

In the short-term, these tactics may work to get your kids to stop whining, do their homework, get in the car, share their toy with their sibling, or brush their teeth before bed.

In the long-term, however, these parenting approaches may actually be harming them.

Here’s how…

How Short-Term Parenting Techniques Cause Real Harm In The Long-Run

Let’s say your child screams “no!” because she doesn’t want to leave the playground, so you keep giving her 5 more minutes, and then another 5, and another.

When you insist that it’s time to go, she cries and screams.

Her being upset is upsetting to you, so you tell her, “If we leave now, we can go get ice cream! How does that sound?”

She stops crying and gladly gets in the car because she loves ice cream.

In the short-term, you’ve avoided a full-blown meltdown by giving in to your child’s demands or by distracting her from her big feelings of upset by promising to get ice cream.

However, in the long-term, she’s failed to develop her “disappointment muscles.”

The minute she felt anything other than pleasure or contentment, you stepped in and “fixed” it for her.

She never has to deal with her discomfort at not getting what she wants all the time and right away.

She learns that whining, pouting, complaining are all valid forms of manipulating people to give her what she wants.

Therefore, when she grows up she can’t handle setbacks or blames others when things go wrong instead of taking responsibility for her life. As an adult, she has trouble regulating her emotions when things don’t go her way.

Why Fixing, Helping and Rescuing Are Hurting Them In The Long-Term, Too

Here’s another example that you may relate to…

Your child forgets to bring their lunch to school.

You don’t want them to suffer with hunger all day so you take time out of your day to bring them their lunch.

You think you’re being loving and helpful. You believe you’re supposed to help your child when they’re in trouble or need something.

That’s what you think being a parent is all about!

And that’s why the next time they need help, you’re there for them.

Mother comforting child

You drive them to school when they miss the bus.
You play referee when they have a disagreement with their sibling.
You chew out their teacher for giving them an unfair grade.
You immediately replace their favorite toy when they accidentally break it.

You do this because you can’t stand to see your child struggle or suffer. You want to make him or her feel better and to “fix” the problem.

In the short-term, you accomplish that.

They don’t go hungry, they get to retake a test, they turn in their school project on time, and they don’t have to go without their favorite toy (or cell phone or video game, etc) for too long.

But what you’re actually teaching your child in the long-term is NOT that you’re a loving, caring, supportive parent.

You’re training them to not take responsibility for themselves, and you’re sending them the unconscious message that love means having someone do things for you.

Essentially, you’re training them to feel incapable. As adults, they may become entitled, narcissistic or unable to set goals and achieve them without a great deal of struggle or resistance. Or they will struggle with anxiety, unable to cope with everyday adult challenges and responsibilities.

These are just two of the most common – yet unintentional – mistakes most parents make, let’s take a look at the rest…

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It’s Not Your Fault… Most Parents Believe These Mistakes Are Effective Parenting Approaches

Perhaps after reading this, you’re thinking, “Yikes, I do all of these things… am I a bad parent?”

The short answer is: no, you’re not!

So drop the guilt right now – most parents unintentionally make some, if not all, of these 6 mistakes.

The thing is, you’re just doing what you think is correct and loving.

Mother playing with daughter

You probably thought you were doing the right thing by disciplining or punishing them, by preventing their disappointment and suffering, or by fixing things for them.

Plus, it’s very common just to repeat what you saw growing up and the way you were raised.

Or, you do the exact OPPOSITE of what your caregivers did if you didn’t like the way they raised you.

And let’s face it…

These types of parenting approaches are often considered normal, reasonable ways to get your kids to step up or behave.

When your kids don’t cooperate, or if they struggle, it’s easy to think that your kids are just being unruly, lazy or stubborn.

Or you worry that you’re being inconsistent, so you double-down on the punishments or step in and help them out even more.

The reason you think what you’re doing works is because most of the time you get the intended result:

  • Your kids clean up their mess
  • They stop hitting their siblings
  • They get good grades
  • They say “please” and “thank you”
  • They stop talking back
  • They cheer up or stop crying
  • They don’t make you late
  • They are your best friend
  • They don’t misbehave
  • All your friends and neighbors are impressed
  • And so on…

But what you don’t realize is that in the long-term NONE of the above things predict a child’s future happiness or ability to thrive.

That’s why it’s critical to learn how to avoid the common parenting traps we ALL fall into at times so you can get the results you want NOW while also raising children who will grow up to be happy, capable adults.

And that’s why we’ve developed a program that compiles the very best advice we could find from the world’s top experts to help you understand and address this very important topic.

Introducing “Parenting Traps”: Be a More Effective Parent NOW And Raise Confident, Capable Adults In The FUTURE

Parenting Traps is an eye-opening 4-hour program containing 6 powerful interviews with some of the world’s top parenting experts.

In these interviews, each expert reveals the major “mistakes” just about every parent makes that causes their children to grow up with negative, destructive beliefs about themselves – and that prevents them from having the resilience, capability and confidence to truly thrive in life.

But more importantly, you’ll get top-level insights and invaluable tools from all 6 parenting experts, each with decades (sometimes 40+ years!) of clinical or professional experience and expertise in their field, including dozens of actionable tips, word-for-word scripts and invaluable advice that’ll help you feel more effective as a parent.

And the best part is that you don’t need to spend months researching each of these experts or reading their books.

You’ll get the BEST and highest-value information in just a few short hours of watching this program.

And you’ll learn what you can do right NOW to ensure your kids grow up to be confident, happy, capable adults who know they’re worthy of love, success and acceptance.

Impactful, Actionable “AHAs” With Key Take-Aways You Can Start Implementing With Your Kids TODAY

We know you’re a busy parent and you don’t have a lot of time to waste. We appreciate how stressful and exhausting parenting can be.

That’s why we designed the program to be as impactful and actionable as possible.

Father Playing with children

You’ll learn key takeaways from each interview that you can apply the same day and watch as your children learn, change and make positive shifts in how they see themselves – and how they see YOU as their parent.

You’ll feel more effective each day you put the tips and learnings into practice, and your kids will feel more loved, acknowledged and supported.

Here’s What’s Included With This Program:
  • 6 in-depth interviews with parenting experts discussing a topic they’ve specialized in for years (sometimes decades!)
  • A download that summarizes the key takeaways from each interview so you have a quick reference for action steps
  • Solid takeaways from each expert including actionable tips and word-for-word scripts on what to say to your kids during those tough situations that challenge every parent

Here’s What You’ll Learn In Parenting Traps:

  • How you might be damaging your child’s sense of self-worth and their ability to be successful in life – and how to reverse that right away
  • Why “helping” your kids may actually be training them to grow up to feel entitled or incapable of working through challenges, and how you can really help your kids develop a greater sense of self-responsibility by doing LESS, not more
  • What your most important job is as a parent – and how this easy task will raise your child’s sense of worthiness and future mental resilience
  • The dangers of using punishment to get your kids to comply, and why it’s important to instead teach solutions and skills so they grow up to be functional, thriving adults
  • Why the things you’re telling your kids to make them feel better is actually invalidating them and making them distrust their feelings
  • How to comfort your kids in a way that uplifts them and makes them feel seen and heard
  • Actionable tips to get your kids to cooperate with you and solve their own problems so you can have more quality time to spend with them (versus wasting time yelling, punishing, or putting them in time-outs)
  • 5 ways you can help your children get a sense of significance and belonging while also helping them make better choices instead of shaming them for doing something “wrong”
  • 3 ways that “helicopter” parenting damages your children’s confidence and sense of self, and how to help your children develop their own problem-solving skills instead
  • The parenting approach that helps children develop a strong sense of belonging and an ability to handle disappointments and remedy their mistakes later in life
  • Why it’s so hard to set limits and rules around “screen time” and real-life examples of how to use positive parenting to address this problem
  • The common style of parenting that can result in a child growing up to procrastinate, not stand up for themselves, or have relationship issues – and how to recognize if you’re doing it right now
  • How to fix things between yourself and your child if you recognize that you’ve done things as a parent that wasn’t in their best interest in the long-run
  • What to teach your children so they worry less about what other people think
  • The single most important thing you need to say to your child today
  • The misperception of what it means to “validate” your child’s feelings (hint: it doesn’t mean talking like a therapist)
  • The very common ways we invalidate our children everyday while believing we are being supportive and understanding (and what to say instead)
  • What to do or say when your child comes to you and says that they feel “worthless” so that you don’t end up making them feel worse
  • Why it’s so critical for parents to have other adults to turn to for emotional support, and what healthy message that sends their children
  • Why it’s okay to not be perfect 100% of the time, and the most important thing to get right
  • Why certain children throw tantrums, “run the family”, make demands, and why it’s important as a parent to address the underlying cause of this behavior, not just try to quelch it
  • Why some children act like adults and how that’s detrimental to their social structure and long-term happiness
  • How to let go of perfectionism and self-judgment and be a happier, more relaxed parent so that your kids can also be happier and more relaxed around you

Let’s Take A Look At Our 6 Parenting Experts

To create this program, we selected the experts we thought were the most qualified and experienced to talk about the biggest mistakes parents make and how to remedy them.

These are experts that are highly-respected in their field and have decades of experience counseling parents.

Next, we put together the top questions YOU might ask if you had the opportunity to sit down with each of these experts yourself.

We aimed to get real, solid takeaways from every expert.

Actionable tips and word-for-word scripts that will have the biggest impact on your children.

1 Jane Nelsen – How Not To “Overparent”

Dr. Jane Nelsen is a California licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and author or co-author of 16 books, including the Positive Discipline Parenting Tools, with her daughter, Mary, and her son, Brad.

She earned her Ed.D. from the University of San Francisco, but her formal training has been secondary to her hands-on training as the mother of seven, grandmother of 22, and 16 great grandchildren. She now shares this wealth of knowledge and experience as a popular keynote speaker and workshop leader throughout the world.

Jane Nelsen

Mary Tamborski

2 Mary Tamborski – How To Replace Punishments With Positive Discipline

Mary Nelsen Tamborski, is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in San Diego. She is also a Certified Positive Discipline Trainer and Parenting Coach, a wife and mother of three young boys.

Mary is co-author of the “Positive Discipline Tool Card Book,” and “Keeping the Joy in Marriage Tool Cards” and eBook of the same title, with her mother, Jane Nelsen. She is a popular keynote speaker, Positive Discipline Trainer, and workshop presenter, and offers many Positive Discipline training throughout the world.

3 Christina McGhee – How To Validate, Instead Of Invalidate Your Child’s Feelings

Christina McGhee is an internationally-recognized divorce-parenting expert, speaker, coach and author. She’s the author of the highly acclaimed book, Parenting Apart: How separated and divorced parents can raise happy and secure kids.

Christina has gained worldwide attention for her work with three British families in the documentary, How to Divorce Without Screwing Up Your Kids. She’s been featured on television, radio and in print around the US and abroad, including The Times, Parents Magazine, BBC, The Guardian, LA Talk Radio, GMTV, Fox Family, The Dr. Laura Berman Radio Show/Oprah Network and NYU Doctor Radio.

Her program on co-parenting, Co-Parenting With Purpose, can be found in the “programs” tab of this website.

Christina McGhee

Dr. Pat Love

4 Dr. Pat Love – How To Set Better Boundaries With Your Kids And Say “No” When You Need To

Dr. Pat Love has been a marriage and family therapist for more than 40 years. Her She has authored/co-authored eight books; four workbooks; several online/video courses. Her best-selling book on parenting, Emotional Incest: When a parent’s love rules your life is about how to create a healthy, functional family and raise children who grow up to have healthy adult relationships.

Dr. Love has been Featured on Oprah, The Today Show and CNN and served as President of the International Association for Marriage and Family Counseling.

5 Shelly Lefkoe – How To Instill Positive, Empowering Beliefs Into Your Children From A Young Age

Shelly Lefkoe is co-founder and President of the Lefkoe Institute, which has enabled over 150,000 people to stop a wide variety of undesirable emotional and behavioral patterns. She’s the the author of Parenting the Lefkoe Way now Empowering The Next Generation, a seven-module guide to effective parenting, and co-author of The Chicken Soup for the Soul Guide to Effective Parenting. This book empowers parents—through their interactions with their children—to help those children form positive, rather than negative, beliefs about themselves, people and life.

Shelly is a frequent keynote speaker and leads workshops for parents and teachers, as well as workshops that train participants to use the Lefkoe Method. She has done numerous radio and TV shows and her work has been featured on the Today Show and numerous podcasts and docu series including the Broken Brain, Transcendence 2, and Little Humans.

Shelly Lefkoe

Gervase Kolmos

6 Gervase Kolmos – How To Overcome Perfectionism As A Parent And Take Better Care Of Yourself

Gervase is a Certified Mindset Coach for Mothers and Creator/Host of the successful event series and (upcoming!) podcast The Champagne Society™. Her work revolves around normalizing the struggle of motherhood, while also empowering mothers to work on themselves so they can pour into their families—sustainably. Her coaching programs help mamas step into the mindset of “Motherhood, and” instead of “Motherhood, or” while reminding them they’re not alone.

She’s spoken at multiple conferences held by Center for Women, RebelleCon, Charleston Moms Blog, and more. She has been featured on Lowcountry Live and in Skirt! magazine. Her articles have been featured on the Huffington Post, Best Kept Self, Charleston Moms Blog and more.

Gervase has been happily married for 10 years and has three children.

FREE BONUS: Get Two FREE Interviews With Parenting Experts!

Free Bonuses and Surprises

As our gift to you: a FREE month of our Transformational Parenting Interviews, where you’ll learn skills and strategies to make your life as parent more joyful and less stressful, while raising happy healthy kids. Each month, we’ll introduce you to incredibly insightful experts and cover pressing topics like: raising resilient kids, parental burnout, setting boundaries, managing anxiety and much much more.

In addition to monthly eye-opening interviews, we’ve got loads of surprises and bonus content to sweeten the deal (including these three gems in your first free month!)

If you love the program, do nothing. Every month you’ll receive a new episode for $29.97/mo. If you don’t want to receive any more interviews or bonus surprises, simply cancel (don’t worry – it’s super easy to do). You won’t pay a thing, and you’ll keep all the free interviews and bonuses, too.

Here’s What Life Looks Like After You’ve Gone Through Parenting Traps:

➜ You’ll feel relieved knowing that you’re basing your parenting on proven, expert advice and using an approach that’s more compassionate and effective – which will be much more beneficial to your kids later in life

➜ You’ll realize the importance of parenting with a long-term view, and will feel empowered to deal with the most common, yet challenging, parenting situations

➜ You’ll get better at setting boundaries and parenting in a way that allows your children to feel empowered to solve their own problems and set and achieve goals in life

➜ You’ll learn skills that’ll help you to be a calmer, more confident and relaxed parent

You’ll be happier, they’ll be happier, and you can rest easy as a parent, knowing you’re doing what’s best for your kids – now and in the future

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7-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Place your order and be watching Parenting Traps: The Biggest Mistakes Parents Must Avoid to Raise Happy Adults in a matter of minutes.

Take a full 7 days to examine the program, watch the interviews, take notes and try out the action steps each expert recommends. You should feel better about your parenting approach AND see that your kids are developing valuable, life-long skills and positive beliefs that will serve them the rest of their life.

If, at the end of the 7 days, you decide this program isn’t going to help you identify or avoid all the common parenting traps, simply let us know and we’ll refund your investment in FULL – no questions, no hassle. This is our promise: You’ll find outstanding value from this program after putting it into practice for a full week or pay nothing!

Why You Should Buy Parenting Traps Right Now

This special offer to get Parenting Traps for just $14.99 (saving you 50%) is for new members, and for TODAY ONLY.

We’ll never be able to make this special offer to you again, so this is your only chance to get this invaluable parenting program at such a low price.

You’re getting decades worth of proven and effective parenting advice distilled into a short course saving you time, money and years of trial and error when it comes to raising happy, capable and confident kids.

So the question is…

Do you really want to continue to struggle and worry that you don’t have the tools to deal with tantrums, slamming doors and when your kids come to you with a bigger problem that’s rocked their self-confidence.

Or, for the price of a couple of ice-creams, you could transform your parenting (and the relationship you have with your kids) in a way that’ll make your life easier – and benefit their future for the rest of their lives.

The choice is yours.

But if you do want to become a more effective parent and raise kids who have the self-belief and ability to thrive as adults, buy Parenting Traps today before this special offer expires.

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The Key to Raising Happy, Thriving Kids Who Will Become Capable, Empowered Adults

Successful parenting takes a long view.

Rather than focusing on short-term “good behavior” – focus on raising capable, empowered kids who can successfully transition into adulthood.

Mother embracing daughter

What you model and teach, the beliefs you nurture, how you manage your emotions and validate theirs… these are some of the most precious, important gifts you give your kids – and yourself.

Look, as parents, you’re going to make mistakes. There’s no way around it.

But the good news is that mistakes are not failures. They’re a part of life.

– Instead of beating yourself up, value mistakes as opportunities to learn, for yourself and your kids

– Instead of punishing your kids or doing the work for them, teach your kids how to come up with effective solutions to make things right

– Instead of telling them they’ll be okay, show them how to persevere and feel strong even when things aren’t okay

You can show them that you cherish and love them AND give them the tools and skills they need to successfully navigate the world.

That’s the most important job in the world, and the most difficult. But it’s rewarding beyond measure.

Your Friends at Flourish
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