Tired Of Your Kid’s Moods Ruling The House… And You Feeling Like A Monster Or A Pushover All The Time?

Discover The Breakthrough Positive Discipline Method Trusted By Montessori Schools And Millions Of Parents Worldwide So You Can Have Less Yelling, Tantrums And Chaos… Starting Today
Includes 40+ Years Of The Most Effective And Hands-On Tools In One Short Course So You Can Raise Kids That Become Well-Adjusted, Successful Adults

If you’re a parent and you want nothing more than for your child to listen to you, to finally behave, and to make day-to-day life less difficult, then this is literally going to be the best parenting advice you’ll ever receive.

Because let’s face it; we’ve all been there:

Jane Nelsen and Mary Tamborski

Jane Nelsen, left, and Mary Tamborski, right, are best-selling authors and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists. The mother daughter duo collaborate regularly.

The temper tantrum in the middle of the store when your kid does NOT want to leave the candy (or toy) aisle… and they’re not giving in without a fight.

It’s every parent’s nightmare… knowing that other parents are seeing you utterly fail to control your child.

You feel small and embarrassed.

The world is watching. So what do you do?

  • Yell?
  • Drag them kicking and screaming out the door?
  • Take a deep breath, buy the candy/toy, and get out of there?
  • Ignore it and hope they calm down?
  • Punish them when you get home?
  • Threaten to take away their device, or dessert or some other beloved thing?
  • Bribe them with promises of candy at home?
How did it happen that your kid runs your household?

Or worse, that you’ve become such a monster that nearly every day has you raising your voice, threatening to punish and watching your kid continue to misbehave again and again.

Whatever you try… none of it works.

You promise yourself that you’ll be stronger, more prepared, and that the endless struggle will come to an end…

And then your kid just doesn’t listen again the next day.

The cycle repeats… over and over.

– You are out of ideas.
– You are out of patience.
– You are (almost!) out of hope.

You don’t want to be a big scary yelling mommy or daddy.

You don’t want to be a pushover, at the mercy of your little tyrant.

You’re tired of your child’s moods and whims running the household.

You just want your kid to behave already. To respect you. To listen. To make life a little less difficult.

And maybe have FUN as a parent, and actually enjoy your children for a change.

Old Parenting Models Don’t Work…You Need A Way To Foster Short-Term Harmony AND Long-Term Results

Given the above, it’s little wonder…

– You’re desperate for a way to create a positive, loving relationship with your children AND help them behave in the way you expect.

– You want to encourage them to solve their own problems instead of running to you to save them every time.

girl with daisy over eyes

– You know that your entire goal as a parent is to help your kids learn responsibility and how to meet their own needs, so they are prepared for the demands, challenges and rewards of adulthood.

But HOW do you make this happen?

Even if you know that you don’t want to be punitive or permissive, what are the steps you need to take to raise happy, cooperative kids that will thrive in adulthood?

What do you do when your kid won’t listen, when the kids keep fighting, when you are losing your cool/ running late/ at your wits end?

Because advice is great. Things that work for your friends are great.

But will they help when your child is dead-set on the overpriced pink fluffy unicorn stuffed animal that’s randomly set in the laundry detergent aisle of the grocery store and now you’ve got a cart full of groceries and a screaming kid on the floor while everyone stares at you like you’re a terrible parent?

What you need are real-world tools and expert knowledge to help you keep your cool, help your child learn, AND stop the temper tantrums from taking over your world.

You Need Positive Discipline: Proven Tools That Miraculously Transform Your Home… Almost Immediately

I’ve been in your EXACT shoes.

When I was a young parent with several young children, I was at my wits end.

Nothing I tried could get my kids to behave. I found myself yelling, punishing and crying all the time.

As an educator, I knew there had to be a better way.

Something that would help my kids behave today, while raising them to be capable and confident adults tomorrow.

Lucky for me, I found the work of Alfred Adler and Rudolf Dreikurs.

Everything I learned resounded deep inside of me.

  • An approach that was both kind and firm?
  • Strategies that helped kids feel a sense of belonging and significance?
  • Something that worked in the short and long term and also raised children to have good character and capable life skills?

Sign me up.

This was the solution I was looking for.

The strategies I learned really worked—most of the time. When they didn’t work, I discovered the foundational principles that were missing. I became the parent I wanted to be, and enjoyed my children more than ever.

Once I discovered the missing link to discipling in a more effective (and less stressful) way, I knew I had to share it with others.

First, I shared it with friends in small groups, then I gave lectures to parents, then through my role as an elementary school counselor.

Finally I wrote the book, Positive Discipline, followed by several Positive Discipline books for different ages and stages. Much to my delight, two of my seven kids grew to become parent educators themselves.

And since then, we’ve helped millions of parents and our techniques are used in 20,000 Montessori Schools worldwide. In fact, we have certified Positive Discipline trainers in 87 countries and counting.

The Most Effective, Practical And Hands-On Parenting Techniques You’ll Ever Learn

Not only is the Positive Discipline approach highly effective – it has over 40+ years of proven results in classrooms, homes and academia… –

… it’s also very hands-on and chock-full of real-world tools to help you address nearly every challenge your kids throw your way.

  • Your kid won’t do their chores?There’s a tool for that.
  • Your first-born keeps hitting his little sister? There’s a tool for that.
  • You can’t get out the door on time and are always late for everything? There’s a tool for that.
  • Bedtime takes hours? There’s a tool for that.
  • Endless sibling bickering? Yup, you guessed it. There’s a tool for that, too.
Girl making heart shape with hands

With over 30 parent-tested tools at your disposal, you’ll be armed for any curveball that comes your way.

And these tools don’t just work in the short term (though they do – you’ll be amazed at how fast harmony will be restored and you’ll enjoy your children again)…

… These tools build skills for tomorrow.

They teach your children to build valuable skills and beliefs that will help them:

✔️ Know how to solve problems and handle conflict effectively and without drama, martyrdom, or escalation

✔️ Instill a strong moral and ethical compass that isn’t vulnerable to peer pressure, risky decision making, or social vampires

✔️ Develop the ever-critical problem-solving skills needed to respond to the unexpected twists and turns of life

✔️ Learn resiliency and to trust themselves, their judgment and their abilities

In other words, these tools become the foundation of a happy home today, and will ensure you raise confident, capable and resilient adults tomorrow.

Introducing Positive Discipline Made Easy: Step-By-Step Instructions To Make Implementing Our Most Effective Parenting Tools A Breeze

I’ve been teaching and creating Positive Discipline books for decades.

I’ve collaborated with classroom and early childhood educators, youth coaches, academic business coaches, and Marriage and Family Therapists. Yes, these tools are effective in the workplace and even for couples.

But my favorite collaborator of all is my youngest daughter, Mary Nelsen Tamborski. Not only is she a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, she’s also a mother of 3 boys.

And together we have teamed up to give you our most effective Positive Discipline tools in this short video course so you can learn how to transform your home – and from the comfort of your own home – and for less than a session with a child psychologist.

In short: Positive Discipline Made Easy contains the Holy Grail of parenting tools so your kids finally listen to you, behave, and grow into well-adjusted and successful adults.

You’ll get over 4 hours of video modules in addition to reference sheets, information on child psychology, and a workbook with breakthrough exercises so you can learn the tools faster than you ever imagined possible.

Here’s How Positive Discipline Made Easy Works

We wanted to make it easy for you to learn, understand and USE Positive Discipline in your family right away… and without having to connect the dots by yourself, figure out how to make it work for you, and second-guess yourself.

That’s why we partnered with Flourish to make this short video course – our first ever focused on helping parents like you implement Positive Discipline in your day-to-day lives.

✔️ We’ll show you step-by-step how to handle tricky parenting situations so you can change your child’s behavior AND strengthen the relationship between you and your child.

✔️ You’ll be guided through imagination exercises that will put you in your child’s shoes - so you can get a deeper understanding of what they’re thinking and feeling at different times during your day and relationship.

✔️ We’ll walk you through the ins and outs of HOW to put our tools into practice, breaking each tool down into actionable steps and showing you how to apply all that you are learning with your children.

✔️ We’ll role-play different scenarios so you can see what success looks like.

✔️ And we’ll show you what to do when things go wrong, so you can quickly course-correct and get back on track.

✔️ PLUS we also created a Q&A session based on REAL questions from REAL parents – the specific things you and others like you have said you need to know to make this work for you.

So you’ll feel confident using each tool to handle those inevitable curveballs that your children will (sometimes gleefully) throw your way.

Such as:

  • In the middle of a supermarket temper tantrum.
  • When you’re frazzled and overwhelmed.
  • During those times when your child just. won’t. listen.
  • When you’ve had a long day and you just want peace in your home.

In short: these tools will reshape your relationship with your child, make your household the smoothest it’s ever been, and remind you – or even help you realize for the first time – just how much you love being a parent.

And Here’s What You’ll Learn (We’ll Be Your Parenting Coaches Every Step Of The Way!)

  • The different types of discipline that are used by parents everywhere and what they’re teaching your children about themselves and the world as a whole
  • The 6 essential skills your child needs to be a well-adjusted and successful adult - and exactly how Positive Discipline helps you teach your child each one of these
  • The Kind and Firm principle explained in detail, with examples and categories to help you use it in the moment when it will be most effective
three kids in a line
  • The one type of time-out you SHOULD use that encourages your child by offering him a choice for self-regulation instead of creating an opportunity to think they’re a “bad kid”
  • The 4 potential outcomes of punishmen t (once you hear what punishment really does for your child, you’ll think twice about grounding her ever again!)
  • How to avoid “the blame game” and what you can focus on instead to build connection and keep the problem from repeating over and over
  • The skill that your child simply doesn’t have before the age of 7 that makes punishments not only completely ineffective , but damaging to completely appropriate brain development
  • The hidden part of behavior that’s easy to miss – especially in the heat of the moment - but is critical to helping you understand the belief behind your child’s behavior (this insight is far more impactful on your kids future and wellbeing!)
  • Where your child’s happiness will REALLY come from and what your role is in that happiness (Hint: it’s NOT doing everything for them)
  • The superpower hiding in your hug that will help you bond and connect with your child as well as help them learn what you’re working to teach them

What Mary And I Cover In Positive Discipline Made Easy…

Module 1

Module 1

What Is Positive Discipline?

In this module, we’ll talk about the different types of parenting styles and what experiences children have with each. You’ll also get an in-depth overview of Positive Discipline and why it’s the preferred method of parenting worldwide for parents and child development experts alike.

Module 2

Module 2

Understanding Your Child

In this module, we’ll walk you through a few exercises that will help you understand the long term results of different parenting styles, as well as how you can begin your Positive Discipline journey helping your child develop specific characteristics and life skills that will serve them throughout their life.

Module 3

Module 3

Punishment Alternatives

Module 3 is about the different discipline methods you can or have used to get your child to behave in an appropriate way or to teach them skills. We’ll show you what children learn from each of these methods so you can decide if it’s a method you want to use.

Module 4

Module 4

Kind and Firm

Kind and firm can feel like a difficult concept, but with our examples and exercises throughout Module 4, you’ll feel completely capable of practicing this in your own family. Kind and firm at the same time is one of the cornerstones of Positive Discipline, and once you master this, you’re well on your way to being the parent you want to be.

Module 5

Module 5

Recovery, Redirection, and Resets

Not every moment of every day is going to be perfect - for you OR your child. Which is why we have tools and strategies to manage behaviors and situations that haven’t been fully learned yet. From redirection methods to how to recover from mistakes to resetting as a family and building solution-focused plans, this module will give you incredibly valuable tools and strategies to continue moving forward.

Module 6

Module 6

Tools, Tips, Tricks and Techniques

With over 30 individual tools throughout this course, you will leave having an entire suite of options at your disposal that are appropriate for every situation you could come across as your child grows. In Module 6, we’ll give you examples, stories, situations and strategies that you can use throughout your daily life to meet each one of your goals.

FREE BONUS: Get Two FREE Interviews With Parenting Experts!

Free Bonuses and Surprises

As our gift to you: a FREE month of our Transformational Parenting Interviews, where you’ll learn skills and strategies to make your life as parent more joyful and less stressful, while raising happy healthy kids. Each month, we’ll introduce you to incredibly insightful experts and cover pressing topics like: raising resilient kids, parental burnout, setting boundaries, managing anxiety and much much more.

In addition to monthly eye-opening interviews, we’ve got loads of surprises and bonus content to sweeten the deal (including these three gems in your first free month!)

If you love the program, do nothing. Every month you’ll receive a new episode for $29.97/mo. If you don’t want to receive any more interviews or bonus surprises, simply cancel (don’t worry – it’s super easy to do). You won’t pay a thing, and you’ll keep all the free interviews and bonuses, too.

Meet Your Parenting Coaches

Dr. Jane Nelsen

  • Best selling author of 18 parenting books that are the cornerstone of many school and educator training programs worldwide
  • Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, college professor, early learning educator and student counselor
  • B.S. in Child Development and Early Education, M.A. in Counseling and Guidance, and Ed.D in Educational Philosophy
  • Mother of 7 wonderful children, grandmother of 22 and great-grandmother (!) to 11.
Jane Nelsen

Mary Tamborski

Mary Tamborski

  • Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, MA, Certified Positive Discipline Therapist
  • Over a decade of experience counseling children and families
  • Author of several Positive Discipline titles, most notably The Positive Discipline Parenting Tools
  • Mother of three rambunctious, totally delightful boys

Our Guarantee To You: Love It Or Pay Nothing

They say it takes a village to raise a child – and they don’t mean that you need an entire town full of babysitters on call.

It means that when you have the opportunity to learn from others that have accomplished what you want to achieve… like us.

But just in case you’re still on the fence, I’m including my 7-Day Risk-Free Promise:

Experience an improvement in your confidence as a parent in just 7-days, or you pay nothing.

That right’s, take a full week to learn the material, start using it with your child, and see how you feel at the end of the 7 days.

See for yourself how our tools and strategies can help you and your child improve your relationship, build those essential social and emotional skills, and begin behaving in an appropriate way.

If at the end of the week, you don’t think this program is right for you, simply let us know and we’ll happily refund 100% of your investment, no questions asked and no hassles.

My Risk-Free Promise

The Most-Effective Parenting Techniques You’ll Ever Learn

4+ hours of actionable tools that are the “holy grail” of significance and belonging

A robust workbook with breakthrough exercises and action steps to put to use immediately

Your questions answered: Jane and Mary field real life questions from the Flourish community to put their tools into practice

Streaming or downloadable format

100% Money-Back Guarantee

Only $149.85 (best value!)
or 4 payments of $37.46


Our Greatest Hits Of Parenting Tools (Which You Won’t Find Anywhere Else)… And For Less Than The Price Of A Therapy Session…

It’s time to make a decision.

Option A or Option B.

Option A) Years of tantrums, explosive outbursts and feeling like you’re constantly being ignored, disrespected and failing as a parent…

Option B) A child that is better behaved, a more harmonious home, a closer relationship with your child, and the skills to turn them into a confident, capable and well-adjusted adult?

We know that must sound like a trick question, of course you want Option B.

But we also know that you might have doubts about whether it can really be that easy.

Especially if you’ve tried everything to discipline your kid before.

We get it.

But the tools you’ll learn in this course have been fine-tuned, tested and proven for over 40 years.

They’ve been used by respected educators, including Montessori schools around the world.

They’ve been used in countless other classrooms, by millions of parents, and are recommended by the majority of child development experts, education professionals, and psychologists and psychiatrists.

Plus, given that this special course – which is like our Greatest Hits of Parenting Tools – is cheaper than a session with a child psychologist (or an adult one to help you manage your burnout and frustration!), you won’t find better value or information anywhere else.

In fact, this course compiles the very best tools we have shared in our 30+ books, saving you hours of reading, researching and note taking.

And just a reminder, if after going through the course you don’t feel like it’s the golden ticket to your parenting problems, we’ll give you your money back, no questions asked.

So you literally have nothing to lose and everything to gain by getting this course today.

Finally, The Set Of Instructions You Wish Your Child Was Born With!

Just in case you’re still on the fence…

Positive Discipline doesn’t just work for children, it works for ADULTS too.

In 2021, a study was conducted with parents who completed a Positive Discipline training program, and here are just some of the results:

✔️ Parents were less stressed because of their child’s behavior

✔️ ️Parents were punishing their children less often

✔️ ️Parents were better equipped to manage their OWN emotions

✔️ Parents were more likely to allow their children to learn from challenges and only help when required

But most of all: they felt they were more successful at parenting their children.

– That it IS possible to enjoy your child, to continually strengthen your relationship, and to work as a team to build the skills and confidence your child needs to be successful throughout his or her life.

– That it’s absolutely possible to get through an entire week of mornings without yelling, and to watch as your child rises to the challenge that you create together… and blossoms in front of your very eyes.

… and even if you have no experience or positive role models for how you want to parent.

Granted, it’s not an overnight cure.

You’ll have forward and backward moments, times when you just can’t keep yourself under control (we’ll help you with that, too), and days when it feels like one argument after another.

BUT with Positive Discipline, those days will become less frequent and stressful because you’ll have tools on your side to make the right moves.

You’ll finally have the manual you’ve always wanted for parenting your child.

Ready to get started?

Simply click the button below to make this small yet invaluable investment in your parenting and your child’s future.

You’ll thank yourself in a few weeks, we just know it.


Jane Nelsen and Mary Tamborski

The Most-Effective Parenting Techniques You’ll Ever Learn

4+ hours of actionable tools that are the “holy grail” of significance and belonging

A robust workbook with breakthrough exercises and action steps to put to use immediately

Your questions answered: Jane and Mary field real life questions from the Flourish community to put their tools into practice

Streaming or downloadable format

100% Money-Back Guarantee

Only $149.85 (best value!)
or 4 payments of $37.46